Is it possible to use QrCodeRecognizer to recognized codes from loaded images (JPG/PNG)?
According to my tests the engine works ok for camera previvew pixelformat PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr420_PLANAR.
But I can't make it work for files.
pBuffer = img.DecodeToBufferN(filePath, BITMAP_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB8888 , destImgW, destImgH); // loading image with perfect code quality resolution: 640x640 r = __pQrRecognizer->SetImageSize(destImgW, destImgH); r = __pQrRecognizer->ProcessImage(pBuffer); // returns nothing
Above I use BITMAP_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB8888 but changing to other pixelformat gets not effect as well. The recognizer returns none result.
I suppose there is problem with pixel format inside ByteBuffer. So far it works only for camera overlayformat PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr420_PLANAR and NV12
on ref device RD-210.
I tested it on UI and separately thread as well - if it has any matter at all.
Now I stuck totally. Probably I have to implement external engine like zxing.