Hi Tizen community!
I've read through all the T&Cs for the Tizen app challenge, but I'm still a little confused about whether some restrictions apply at all.
Can anybody who has created an app made for a different mobile platform simply port it to Tizen and enter it into the app challenge?
The spirit of the challenge sounds like it should be to make an app specifically for Tizen, but there are so many good apps out there for other mobile platforms with most of the work already done. If those apps were simply re-written to work well on Tizen, it seems to me that they would have a much greater chance of winning than anyone creating new apps specifically for Tizen that are being made from scratch. That doesn't seem like the spirit of competition to me.
If apps were judged with a bias towards exclusiveness to Tizen, then at least that would encourage developers to make something new. Otherwise I could see apps similar to Candy Crush Saga dominating this competition and the more risky innovative apps that might not have tried and tested designs left in the shadows.
If there was something to say that apps made specifically for Tizen would be looked on favourably, I'm sure the competition would have a much more exciting outcome. It's possible that I missed something about the rules/judging so if I did, please correct me.
Otherwise I'd appreciate an answer about apps needing to be exclusive to Tizen for the challenge from somebody who actually knows the answer. Thanks for your help.