
Create a pre-initialized event with the Calendar AppControl


I would like to create an event in the calendar with some pre-initialized information.

That's why I use the Edit operation from the Calendar AppControl on this page :

Whereas I can see many inputs (position, title, description...) when I try to manually create an event in the calendar, only two keys are available : item_type and item_id.

How can I pre-initialize all these values with the Calendar AppControl ?


Here is my code if it can help :

function createCalendarEvent(){
    var appControl = new tizen.ApplicationControl("",null,null,"tizen.calendar",
            [ new tizen.ApplicationControlData("", [ "event" ])]);
    tizen.application.launchAppControl(appControl, null,
            function() {console.log("launch service succeeded");},
            function(e) {console.log("launch service failed. Reason: ";});

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


2 Replies
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
From the API documentation, it looks like, you can just retrieve, edit, and display the existing calendar events using the calendar AppControl method. Seems there is no support to add an event with the properties initialized using appcontrol. So using appcontrol either you can launch the calendar app (without initializing the properties) or launch the event which is already existing for editing the properties.
youngsik yoon
to create an event, why don't use calendar api directly. please see Tizen Web App Programming > Tutorials > Device API Tutorials > Social Tutorials > Calendar Tutorial > "Adding Events to a Calendar" in dev guide.