
changes in alarm since tizen 2.2


This code was perfectly working in 2.1 but seems not working in 2.2 :

var date = new Date();
date = new Date(date.getTime()+(1*60*1000));

var alarm = new tizen.AlarmAbsolute(date, tizen.alarm.PERIOD_MINUTE);
tizen.alarm.add(alarm, tizen.application.getCurrentApplication();

The alarm should fire and self launch the app one minute after running this code, and the every minute. But nothing happens.

In fact it seems related to the alarm periodicity, because if I suppress i do just a var alarm = new tizen.AlarmAbsolute(date)  the alarms fires correctly. Is there something new with tizen 2.2 to handle alarm periodicity or should I fill a jira ?

The result of the console.log is : 






Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


3 Replies
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
From the 2.2 release notes, there are no changes done to Alarm API. Quickly verified the sample code and unfortunately the "period" attribute for both the interfaces "AlarmAbsolute" and "AlarmRelative" isn't working. Have raised a JIRA for this issue. Please follow the same for the updates.
Zoltan Puski
The same problem for Native API exists. Recurring Alarm does not trigger, while single alarm is ok. Could you please add this info the the issue in the JIRA please? Thanks.
Jean-Philippe Vignolo
Thanks !