
load iframe with https

Hi ,

I have a problem with iframe that can't load htts url . If i replace for http i don´t have problem.

What can i do to solve this issue? I have to initialize the app in https? if yes how can i do this?



1 Replies
Armaan-Ul- Islam

Here, The matter is Server of the Website is not allowing you to load site url within an iframe in your application.


Let me explain in detail:

    <div id="main" class="page">
        <div class="contents">
             <iframe src=""></iframe> 
             <iframe src=""></iframe> 


While Running the app in Debug mode:


Here 'X-Frame-Options' is set to 'SAMEORIGIN' in case of Tizen Developers Site, Which restricts to load the site within iframe from outside domain. But for the case of Samsung Developers Site it's not set to SameOrigin, So it is allowed to load their site within an iframe from outside domain.

For details understanding on the matter: