
How to open specific url from paring phone when clicked a button on gear application?


Like a title, now I'm on making a gear application that include "open on phone" function. (Like gear basic news briefing app 's "show on phone" function)

What I wanna do is when clicked a "open on phone" button, appointed url is open at the phone.


If anyone has simular sample code or solution, please share the idea :-) 

Thank you!

Edited by: Hyojin Kwon on 27 Sep, 2016


5 Replies
Iqbal Hossain


I will suggest you to use Accessory SDK of Samsung. 

Accessory SDK allows you to connect accessory devices to Samsung smart devices. With Accessory SDK, you can define a new service between the accessory and smart device, enabling you to use the various smart device functions from the accessory device. The service is compatible with various connectivity environments, which makes accessory development efficient and convenient.

Providing Notification Relay

The notification relay is a feature that enables you to receive notifications and messages on your smart device remotely (for example, you are walking around the office while your phone is on your desk), by relaying them to your Gear accessory device to let you know that something is going on.

Finding the Device

The Accessory SDK provides the “Find My Phone” feature, which allows you to use an accessory device to find your smart device.


You can use the Accessory SDK to:

  • Control the smart device remotely (for example, controlling music volume)

  • Provide notification relay or alarm

  • Find the smart device

You can also define and implement your own functionality.




2. ( Guide)

3. (API Reference)



Hyojin Kwon

I already downloaded Accessory SDK, but I don't know how to send url to android phone without android app. :(

All samples have both android and tizen application, so I wanna know another solution. ㅠㅠ

Hyojin Kwon

Or, do u know how to connect gear app with samsung accessory service application ? (by using SAP)

Iqbal Hossain

Please download accessory sdk sample app. 


You will find many examples there for both Android and Tizen parts. Then for your purpose, you can select Tizen Web App as Provider and  Android as Consumer. Just like this, 

That means Tizen will provide data and Android will consume that data. 

In your case, you will send URL as string from Provider(Tizen) to Consumer(Android). After receiving the URL just do your work in android. 

In that case you have to install Gear Manager to your Android app for SAP installation. 


Hope the idea is now clear to you. 






Hyojin Kwon

Thank u for your answer, but I alredy downloaded sample and run it. 

But what I really want to do is below thing.

(Now I'm making a galaxy gear app related with android app)

1. First, User enter to galaxy app store, and download my app.

2. Using my app, user must download android app too.

3. So if user cliked downloaded wear app, then open play store on android phone. 

4. If user already or now doawloaded android app in play store, then tizen wear app will run normally. 

