huge difference in result screens with HTML canvas from JS on EMULATOR and on real DEVICE S2 ?
same condition,
same code ,
SDK Version : 2.4.0_Rev8 (Emulator S2)
Real S2 classic BT SM-R732 (R732XXU2DPFB)
this part of code simple like this (I try different variants, but result the same):
for (jx = 1; jx <= 24; jx++) { //angle = (jx-1) * (Math.PI * 2) / 24; angle = DegToRad((jx-1) * 360 / 24); drawTextAlongArc(contextBase, jx.toString(), 180, 180, 145, (angle)); } function drawTextAlongArc(contextT, str, centerX, centerY, radius, angle){; contextT.translate(centerX, centerY); contextT.rotate(angle); contextT.font = 'bold 20px Courier'; contextT.fillStyle = '#ffffff'; contextT.translate(0, -1 * radius); contextT.fillText(str, 0, 0); contextT.restore(); } function DegToRad(d) { // Converts degrees to radians return d * 0.0174532925199432957; }
Attached 2 screenshot 1-24 is all ok - is EMULATOR , ont ok - is S2 real
REAL S2 : wrong numbers and angles !!!