
Error trying to install KNOX Tizen Standard: The extension repository URL is not available

Hi there,

I'm trying to install the KNOX Tizen Standard SDK on Tizen 2.4. (from

I use Update Manager, open up Settings, Extra Repository, Add Repository.

I specify 'MDMTizenSDK' for the Name, and point the Repository field to my .zip file on my local hard drive using the Folder browse button, and selecting the .zip file.

I click OK to add the SDK, and get the error "The extension repository URL is not available."

Am I possibly missing something?

Thanks for any help,



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4 Replies
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daniel kim


I think that you didn't uncompress zip file. and it can be installed by selecting "pkg_list_windows-64" of uncompressed folder in my case.

I found Knox forum. so I would suggest you to visit here as well.


Tim Howie

Thanks Daniel,

I was initially confused as I had missed that I was looking for an image file in the unzipped contents, and saw that '.zip' was a possible target in the browser, which was why I tried to use the .zip directly.

Thanks to both you and AVSukhov for your awesome help.



Try to unzip file and for Repository field use directory

Tim Howie

Thanks AVSukhov,

I initially had just seen the 'zip' file as an option in the Browser to choose my file, and missed the image file.

Following that, I had also missed the step to 'Install' the SDK from the freshly-added repository, after which, I was able to select the MDM SDK in the Framework tab of the IDE.

Thank you again for your help - I really appreciate it!