
Passing arguments to application


I would like to know how to pass arguments to the application from command line or from eclipse.

Is there a way to acheive this?





5 Replies
woochan lee


Could you please explain what you want more detaily?

What is the arguments?  why do you want to pass arguments to the application? 

Alex Dem

fyi, As I know you could try to run 'sdb shell' (here is for Win example) with C:\tizen-sdk\tools>sdb -d shell 
and try to launch app this way and set key/val:
sh-3.2$ launch_app <pkgname> <key1> <val1> <key2> <val2> ...

Alex Dem

I was able to print args inside : main(int argc, char *argv[])

for (int i=0; i<argc; i++)
    dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "app_main() arg[%d] = %s",i, argv[i]);

If I have added one pair key/val (count was increased from 8 to10). I able to print 'key' as is, but value looks like encrypted (or something else) . In any case I did not face any docs about how to use launch_app for this case.

Hermet Park

since the launch pad data is encrypted, you need to decode the data again,

You could use the app_control for this,

Please check app_control()

static void

app_control(app_control_h app_control, void *data)




plus, this API.

int app_control_foreach_extra_data(app_control_h app_control, app_control_extra_data_cb callback, void *user_data);


app_control cb is registered to ui_app_lifecycle_callback_s which is described in the application template code.


Mil Tolstoy

As I can see, it's not encrypted, it's just encoded using base64.


1. Run your app though launch_app:

$sdb shell launch_app com.example.my_app my_param my_value

2. Get argument value from main():


3. Perform base64 decode:

    3.1 Manually by using some website just for test

    "�����    ���my_param�    ���my_value�

    3.2 In your app using glib, which exists in Tizen SDK - g_base64_decode()


Of course, you should write some additional code to decode and parse this string, but it's look easier that using app_control_foreach_extra_data().