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GBS build failure for TV profile

Context : 

To build tizen TV profile for aarch64 (instead of the armv7l that is supported)

In order to achieve this followed all the download + setup steps provided in developer tizen forum.

Additionally in the .gbs.conf added the basic packages for aarch64 and debug

############# 3.0-tv #############
repos = repo.3.0-base_emulator64,repo.3.0-base_emulator64_debug

repos = repo.3.0-base_emulator32,repo.3.0-base_emulator32_debug

repos = repo.3.0-base_arm,repo.3.0-base_arm_debug,repo.4.0-base_arm64,repo.4.0-base_arm64_debug


However towards the end of the build I notice some RPM failures. (attached failure log + individual package logs)

Manifest used (latest) : http://download.tizen.org/releases/daily/tizen/3.0-tv/latest/builddata/manifest/tizen-3.0-tv_20180122.1_arm-wayland.xml

Can you let me know where the issue is and how to address the same (Also if I should use a diffferent manifest)


=== the following packages failed to build due to rpmbuild issue (10) ===
tizen-locale: /home/amit/GBS-ROOT/local/repos/tizen3.0_tv_arm_wayland/aarch64/logs/fail/tizen-locale-0.1-1/log.txt
btrfs-progs: /home/amit/GBS-ROOT/local/repos/tizen3.0_tv_arm_wayland/aarch64/logs/fail/btrfs-progs-0.20.rc1-0/log.txt
krb5: /home/amit/GBS-ROOT/local/repos/tizen3.0_tv_arm_wayland/aarch64/logs/fail/krb5-1.10.2-0/log.txt
oprofile: /home/amit/GBS-ROOT/local/repos/tizen3.0_tv_arm_wayland/aarch64/logs/fail/oprofile-1.1.0-0/log.txt
js: /home/amit/GBS-ROOT/local/repos/tizen3.0_tv_arm_wayland/aarch64/logs/fail/js-1.0.0-0/log.txt
tizen-platform-config: /home/amit/GBS-ROOT/local/repos/tizen3.0_tv_arm_wayland/aarch64/logs/fail/tizen-platform-config-2.2-1/log.txt
nettle: /home/amit/GBS-ROOT/local/repos/tizen3.0_tv_arm_wayland/aarch64/logs/fail/nettle-2.7.1-0/log.txt
libzypp: /home/amit/GBS-ROOT/local/repos/tizen3.0_tv_arm_wayland/aarch64/logs/fail/libzypp-14.27.0-1/log.txt
ltrace: /home/amit/GBS-ROOT/local/repos/tizen3.0_tv_arm_wayland/aarch64/logs/fail/ltrace-0.7.91-0/log.txt
git: /home/amit/GBS-ROOT/local/repos/tizen3.0_tv_arm_wayland/aarch64/logs/fail/git-2.0.1-0/log.txt
=== Total succeeded built packages: (208) ===
info: generated html format report:
info: generated RPM packages can be found from local repo:
info: generated source RPM packages can be found from local repo:
info: build logs can be found in:
info: build roots located in:
error: <gbs>some packages failed to be built



2 댓글
Armaan-Ul- Islam

You may share the 10 log files or at least the error portions of it in this post here.

That might buy you some Opinions from the Developers on this Forum.

amit yatheesh

Thanks Armaan , I have decided to try the unified manifest instead , because in tv profile manifest I find some components old which are not compilable with gcc 6.2. Hence i will close the topic