How to read “resource” files added via Tizen IDE

How to read “resource” files added via Tizen IDE

BY 04 Mar 2016 Web Application Development
I’m giving my first steps on programming web apps for Tizen wearable devices . This is what I want to do : 1. By using the Tizen IDE , add a file , e.g. x.txt , under a folder , e.g. data/text (i.e. relative path from project root is data/text/x.txt ) 2. At run-time , I want to read the contents of x.txt file 3. … and do some extra processing with it . I thought I could just read wgt-package virtual root but my code (after fixing it) returns no file at that location . How could I do this ? BTW , I’ve been testing on the web simulator . p.s. I’m aware of the fact that this is quite simple , so I guess this should be documented somewhere but I just could not find a reference after searching for a while (since yesterday), so I’m hoping someone can help me put my efforts on the right track Thanks in advance !
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