
Register binary warning - "Devices which support the defined features and permissions do not exist."

I made a tizen wearable native application.

A warning popup is happened when I upload binary.

The warning message is "Devices which support the defined features and permissions do not exist. ... ".

My tizen-manufest.xml is like below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<manifest xmlns="" api-version="3.0" package="" version="0.5.3">
    <author email="" href="">company</author>
    <profile name="wearable"/>
    <ui-application appid="" exec="execname" hw-acceleration="on" multiple="false" nodisplay="false" splash-screen-display="false" taskmanage="true" type="capp">
        <label>App name</label>
        <metadata key="APP_CONTROL_OPERATION_SETTING" value=""/>
        <background-category value="sensor"/>
        <background-category value="background-network"/>
    <feature name="">true</feature>
    <feature name="">true</feature>
    <feature name="">true</feature>
    <feature name="">true</feature>
    <feature name="">true</feature>
    <feature name="">true</feature>

Package name, email, label and icon are replaced with meaningless.

I just want to support Gear S3 tizen 3.0 device.

Does anyone know what's the problem?




1 Replies
Yasin Ali


I think you should check os version of the device to exactly match
with api version in manifest.

As number of privilege and  feature is not too high you can remove all
privilege and  feature first and then add one by one to check if binary
is successfully uploaded. In this process possibly you will find which
feature or privilege actually causing that problem.

Hope it'll help.