Tizen Native API  5.0
Eina String example

Whenever using eina we need to include it:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <Eina.h>

In our main function we declare(and initialize) some variables and initialize eina:

int main(int argc EINA_UNUSED, char **argv EINA_UNUSED)
   char *names = "Calvin;Leoben;D'anna;Simon;Doral;Six;Daniel;Sharon";
   char *str;
   char *tmp;
   char *prologue;
   char *part1 = "The Cylons were created by man. They evolved. They rebelled.";
   char *part2 = "There are many copies. And they have a plan.";
   char **arr;
   int i;


It's frequently necessary to split a string into its constituent parts, eina_str_split() make's it easy to do so:

   arr = eina_str_split(names, ";", 0);
   for (i = 0; arr[i]; i++)
     printf("%s\n", arr[i]);

Another common need is to make a string uppercase or lowercase, so let's create a string and make it uppercase and then make it lowercase again:

   str = malloc(sizeof(char) * 4);
   strcpy(str, "bsd");

   eina_str_toupper((char **)&str);
   printf("%s\n", str);
   printf("%s\n", str);

Next we use eina to check if our names string starts or ends with some values:

   if (eina_str_has_prefix(names, "Calvin"))
      printf("Starts with 'Calvin'\n");
   if (eina_str_has_suffix(names, "sharon"))
      printf("Ends with 'sharon'\n");
   if (eina_str_has_extension(names, "sharon"))
      printf("Has extension 'sharon'\n");

When strings will be used in a terminal(or a number of other places) it necessary to escape certain characters that appear in them:

   tmp = eina_str_escape("They'll start going ripe on us pretty soon.");
   printf("%s\n", tmp);

Much as we previously split a string we will now join two strings:


   prologue = malloc(sizeof(char) * 106);
   eina_str_join_len(prologue, 106, ' ', part1, strlen(part1), part2, strlen(part2));
   printf("%s\n", prologue);

With strlcpy() we can copy what portion of the prologue fits in str and be sure that it's still NULL terminated:

   eina_strlcpy(str, prologue, 4);
   printf("%s\n", str);

Since we are done with prologue and str we should free them:


Finally we see strlcat in action:

   str = malloc(sizeof(char) * 14);
   sprintf(str, "%s", "cylons+");
   eina_strlcat(str, "humans", 14);
   printf("%s\n", str);

And then shut eina down and exit:


   return 0;