
The getElementsByClassName Method


The getElementsByClassName is defined on document and on HTMLElement objects. It takes a string of space-separated class names and returns a list of elements which have all the classes specified in the string.

When it is called as a method of document, this method returns all elements in the DOM which bear the classes specified. When it is called on an HTMLElement, this method returns only those elements which both bear the classes and are children of that element.


For example, suppose we have the following elements in our DOM.

<div id="container">
    <span class="a b f"></span>
    <span class="b c f"></span>
    <span class="c d f"></span>
<span class="d e f"></span>

One Class

Since every span in this document has the class "f", if we call getElementsByTagName in the following way, it will return a list of all four spans.

var result = document.getElementsByTagName("f");
/* result.length == 4 */

However, if we instead call it on the container div, it will only return the three spans which are its children.

var result = document.getElementById("container").getElementsByTagName("f");
/* result.length == 3 */

Multiple Classes

Passing multiple classes as arguments returns the intersection of elements which bear them. For example:

var result = document.getElementsByTagName("b");
/* result.length == 2 because the first two spans have class b. */

result = document.getElementsByTagName("b c");
/* result.length == 1 because the only the second span has both */
/* class b and class c. */


Enter a string argument to be passed into the getElementsByClassName function and see how many elements are returned. Recall that the argument is a space-separated string of classes.

Source Code

The HTML source code for the input and display in the previous section is below.

        <label for="classInput">Classes:</label>
        <input type="text" id="classInput" value="a" />
        <input type="button" id="goButton" value="Go!" />
        <label>Result Length:</label>
        <span id="resultLength"></span>

The JavaScript source code to do the actual computation is below.

document.getElementById("goButton").onclick = function() {
	    doc = document.getElementById("exampleHidden"),
	    expr = document.getElementById("classInput").value,
	    result = doc.getElementsByClassName(expr).length;
    document.getElementById("resultLength").innerText = result;
