Wearable native

Circle Surface

This feature is supported in wearable applications only.

The circle surface manages and renders circle objects. Multiple circle objects can be connected to one circle surface as candidates of an object to be rendered. When one of circle objects is set as visible, the surface renders the circle object and hides the others.

Creating a Circle Surface

To create a new circle surface:

Eext_Circle_Surface *surface;
Evas_Object *conformant;

conformant = elm_conformant_add(parent);
surface = eext_circle_surface_conformant_add(conformant);

The eext_circle_surface_conformant_add() function creates a circle surface in the conformant layer. If you want to create a circle surface in the layout layer, use the eext_circle_surface_layout_add() function:

Eext_Circle_Surface *surface;
Evas_Object *layout;

layout = elm_layout_add(parent);
surface = eext_circle_surface_layout_add(layout); 

If you want to create a circle surface in the naviframe layer, use the eext_circle_surface_naviframe_add() function:

Eext_Circle_Surface *surface;
Evas_Object *naviframe;

naviframe = elm_naviframe_add(parent);
surface = eext_circle_surface_naviframe_add(naviframe); 
A circle surface is a non-graphical object. It adds no graphics to or around the objects it holds.

Adding Circle Objects to the Circle Surface

You can add any circle object to a circle surface. The following example shows how to create an eext_slider component and add it to a circle surface in conformant layer:

Eext_Circle_Surface *surface;
Evas_Object *slider;

surface = eext_circle_surface_conformant_add(conformant);
slider = eext_circle_object_slider_add(parent, surface);

Deleting the Circle Surface

Deleting an Evas object automatically deletes the circle surface in the same layer. However, you can explicitly use the eext_circle_surface_del() function to delete a circle surface.

The eext_circle_surface_del() function does not delete the connected circle objects.
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