Resources: Handling Images
DALi provides several ways to handle resource images.
Loading Image Files
You can load an image file with the ResourceImage class by specifying its location:
Dali::ResourceImage image = Dali::ResourceImage::New( "/my-path/my-image.png" );
The loaded image can be displayed using the ImageView component:
ImageView imageView = ImageView::New( image ); Stage::GetCurrent().Add( imageView );
Supported Resource Types
The resource location can be a file path or a URL.
The currently supported image types are:
- png
- jpeg
- gif
- bmp
- wbmp
- ico
- ktx
The currently supported URL schemes are:
- http
- https
Asynchronous Loading
Resources are loaded in separate threads, which means that when you call the ResourceImage::New() function, it returns immediately.
The application can connect to the Dali::ResourceImage::LoadingFinishedSignal() signal to get notified when the image has loaded:
class ResourceImageController : public ConnectionTracker { public: ResourceImageController( Application& application ) : mApplication( application ) { mApplication.InitSignal().Connect( this, &ResourceImageController::Create ); } void Create( Application& application ) { ResourceImage image = ResourceImage::New( "" ); image.LoadingFinishedSignal().Connect( this, &ResourceImageController::OnLoadFinished ); ImageView imageView = ImageView::New( image ); imageView.SetSize( 400, 200 ); imageView.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER ); Stage::GetCurrent().Add( imageView ); } void OnLoadFinished( ResourceImage image ) { LoadingState state = image.GetLoadingState(); if( state == ResourceLoadingSucceeded ) cout << "Loading " << image.GetUrl() << " is succeeded" << endl; else if( state == ResourceLoadingFailed ) cout << "Loading " << image.GetUrl() << " is failed" << endl; } };
For more information about the resource threads, see Resource Loading with Multi-threading.
Load Time Resizing
An application loading images from an external source often wants to display those images at a lower resolution than their native ones. To support this, DALi can resize an image at load time so that its in-memory copy uses less space and its visual quality benefits from being prefiltered. The Dali::FittingMode namespace (in mobile and wearable applications) provides 4 algorithms, which can be used to fit an image to a desired rectangle, a desired width, or a desired height.
The following code snippet is an example of rescaling:
Dali::Image image = Dali::ResourceImage::New( filename, ImageDimensions( 240, 240 ), FittingMode::SCALE_TO_FILL );
This example sets the size and fitting mode appropriately for a large thumbnail during the Dali::ResourceImage object construction. In general, to enable scaling on load, pass a non-zero width or height and one of the 4 fitting modes to the Dali::ResourceImage creator function as shown above.
The fitting modes and suggested use cases are as follows:
Fitting mode | Suggested use case |
Dali::FittingMode::SHRINK_TO_FIT | Full-screen image display: limit the loaded image resolution to the device resolution, but show all of the image. |
Dali::FittingMode::SCALE_TO_FILL | Thumbnail gallery grid: limit the loaded image resolution to the screen tile, filling the whole tile but losing a few pixels to match the tile shape. |
Dali::FittingMode::FIT_WIDTH | Image columns: limit the loaded image resolution to the column width. |
Dali::FittingMode::FIT_HEIGHT | Image rows: limit the loaded image resolution to the row height. |
Image Size
If the application requires the image dimensions immediately, they can be retrieved synchronously:
Dali::ImageDimensions dimensions = Dali::ResourceImage::GetImageSize( "/my-path/my-image.png" );
This is a disk-read operation, which can be slow and block the event thread. This operation is currently not supported for remote resources, such as HTTP or HTTPS URLs.
Using a Buffer Image
A DALi::BufferImage class (in mobile and wearable applications) represents an image resource in the form of pixel buffer data. The application can write to this buffer as required and the image is updated on the screen:
// Create a 200 by 200 pixel buffer with a color-depth of 32-bits (with alpha) Dali::BufferImage image = Dali::BufferImage::New( 200, 200 );