Mobile Web

Data Control: Providing Information about Packages and their Installation

This tutorial demonstrates how you can share data between applications.

This feature is supported in mobile applications only.


Become familiar with the Data Control API basics by learning about:

Managing Data in Key-value Pairs

Learning how to manage map-type data allows you to use key-value pairs exposed by a DataControl provider:

  1. Retrieve the MappedDataControlConsumer object using the getDataControlConsumer() method of the DataControlManager interface. This object allows accessing the key-value data stored by the DataControl provider.

    You need a running DataControl provider application, which uses the "" provider ID.

    /* Get the map-type DataControlConsumerObject */
       var globalMappedConsumer = tizen.datacontrol.getDataControlConsumer("", "Dictionary", "MAP");
  2. To meet the API requirement of using unique request identifiers, define a global variable, which is incremented every time a new request ID is needed. When the Data Control API responds to a request, it provides the request ID, which allows connecting the response with the specific request.

    var globalReqId = new Date().getTime() % 2e9;
  3. Define a common success and error callback:

    function onRequestSuccess(id)
       console.log("Request " + id + " - done");
    function onRequestError(id, error)
       console.log("error in request " + id + ", message: " + error.message);
  4. To manage key-value pairs:
    • To add a key-value pair, use the addValue() method of the MappedDataControlConsumer:

         /* Increase globalReqId for uniqueness */
         globalMappedConsumer.addValue(globalReqId, "tizen", "Foo", onRequestSuccess, onRequestError);
    • To retrieve values assigned to a key, use the getValue() method of the MappedDataControlConsumer:

      function onGetValueSuccess(values, id)
         console.log("Values retrieved in request " + id + ": " + values.toString());
         globalMappedConsumer.getValue(globalReqId, "tizen", onGetValueSuccess, onRequestError);
    • To update a value assigned to a key, use the updateValue() method of the MappedDataControlConsumer interface:

         globalMappedConsumer.updateValue(globalReqId, "tizen", "Foo", "Bar", onRequestSuccess, onRequestError);
    • To remove a key-value pair, use the removeValue() method of the MappedDataControlConsumer interface:

         globalMappedConsumer.removeValue(globalReqId, "tizen", "Bar", onRequestSuccess, onRequestError);

Managing SQL-type Data

Learning how to manage SQL-type data allows you to use databases exposed by a DataControl provider:

  1. To retrieve a SQLDataControlConsumer object, use the getDataControlConsumer() method of the DataControlManager interface. This object allows accessing the data stored by the DataControl provider.

    You need a running DataControl provider application, which uses the "" provider ID.

    /* Get SQL type DataControlConsumerObject */
       var globalSQLConsumer = tizen.datacontrol.getDataControlConsumer("", "Dictionary", "SQL");
  2. To meet the API requirement of using unique request identifiers, define a global variable, which is incremented every time new request ID is needed. When the Data Control API responds to a request, it provides the request ID, which allows connecting the response with the specific request.

    var globalReqId = new Date().getTime() % 2e9;
  3. Define a common success and error callback:

    function onRequestSuccess(id)
       console.log("Request " + id + " - done");
    function onRequestError(id, error)
       console.log("error in request " + id + ", message: " + error.message);
  4. To manage the data:
    • To insert data, use the insert() method of the SQLDataControlConsumer interface:

      function onInsertSuccess(reqId, rowId)
         console.log("request: " + reqId + " succeed - inserted row id:" + rowId);
         var rowData = 
            columns: ["WORD", "WORD_DESC"] ,
            values: ["'tizen1'", "'tizen2'"]
         /* Increases globalReqId for uniqueness */
         globalSQLConsumer.insert(globalReqId, rowData, onInsertSuccess, onRequestError);
    • To select data, use the select() method of the SQLDataControlConsumer interface:

      function onSelectSuccess(result, id)
         var length = result.length, i, j;
         for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
            console.log("==== Row ", i, ":");
            for (j = 0; j < result[i].columns.length; j++)
               console.log("column: " + result[i].columns[j] + ", value: " + result[i].values[j]);
         var columns = ["WORD", "WORD_DESC" ];
         globalReqId++;, columns, "WORD='tizen1'", onSelectSuccess, onRequestError);
    • To update data, use the update() method of the SQLDataControlConsumer interface:

         var rowData = 
            columns: ["WORD", "WORD_DESC"] ,
            values: ["'tizen1'", "'Web apps platform!'"]
         globalSQLConsumer.update(globalReqId, rowData, "WORD='tizen1'", onRequestSuccess, onRequestError);
    • To remove data, use the remove() method of the SQLDataControlConsumer interface:

         globalSQLConsumer.remove(globalReqId, "WORD='tizen1'", onRequestSuccess, onRequestError);
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