Mobile Web Wearable Web

Application Group: Managing Groups

This tutorial demonstrates how you can define the application launch mode and manage your applications in a group.


Become familiar with the Application API basics by learning about:

Controlling the Launch Mode

To launch an application in a GROUP mode, you must learn how to define the application control object and launch the application:

  1. Define the application control object with the GROUP mode:
    var appControl = new tizen.ApplicationControl("",
                                                  null, "image/jpeg", null, [], "GROUP");
  2. Define an array with callback functions for the tizen.application.launchAppControl() method:
    var appControlReplyCallback = 
       /* Callee sent a reply  */
       onsuccess: function(data) 
       /* Callee returned failure */
       onfailure: function() 
  3. Launch the application in the GROUP mode with the previously defined application control object:
    tizen.application.launchAppControl(appControl, null,
                                       function() {console.log("launch application control succeed");},
                                       function(e) {console.log("launch application control failed. reason: " + e.message);},
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