Web: Managing Web Pages and Web Content
This tutorial demonstrates how you can create a simple Web browser.
Become familiar with the Web API basics by learning about:
Initializing the EFL WebKit
Initialize the EFL WebKit (EWK) for use.
Creating and Deleting a Window Object
Create and delete a window object.
Setting the Window Layout
Create the window layout.
Setting the Window View
Set the window smart view and settings.
Handling Key and Mouse Events
Handle the key and mouse event.
Showing a Window and Setting the Focus
Show a window and set the focus.
Finding a Window
Use the helper functions to find a window.
Finalizing the Application
Finalize the application.
Initializing the EWK WebKit
To initialize the EWK WebKit:
- To use the functions and data types of the WebView API (in mobile and wearable applications), include the <Ecore.h>, <Ecore_Evas.h>, <Ecore_Getopt.h>, <Eet.h>, <Eina.h>, <Elementary.h>, <Evas.h>, <EWebKit.h>, and <app.h> header files in your application:
#include <Ecore.h> #include <Ecore_Evas.h> #include <Ecore_Getopt.h> #include <Eet.h> #include <Eina.h> #include <Elementary.h> #include <Evas.h> #include <EWebKit.h> #include <app.h>
- To use the EWK API, an application needs the following privileges:
Table: Required privileges for an EWK application Privilege Description http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch Allows the application to open another application conditionally. http://tizen.org/privilege/content.write Allows the application to create, update and delete content. http://tizen.org/privilege/internet Allows the application to use the Internet connection. http://tizen.org/privilege/notification Allows the application to provide user notifications, such as messages and badges http://tizen.org/privilege/location Allows the application to use the user location data. http://tizen.org/privilege/camera Allows the application to manage the device cameras to preview and capture pictures. http://tizen.org/privilege/externalstorage Allows the application to access, read and write to the external storage. http://tizen.org/privilege/display Allows the application to access the display. http://tizen.org/privilege/network.get Allows the application to create a network connection. - The sample browser uses several Evas objects to build the browser UI. To easily manage the UI elements, use the Browser_window data structure. The browser window data is stored in a Browser_window structure that contains 2 Evas_Object instances.
typedef struct _Browser_Window { Evas_Object *elm_window; Evas_Object *ewk_view; Evas_Object *back_button; Evas_Object *forward_button; } Browser_Window; EXPORT_API int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int args = 1; Browser_Window window; memset(&window, 0x00, sizeof(Browser_Window)); ui_app_lifecycle_callback_s ops; memset(&ops, 0x00, sizeof(ui_app_lifecycle_callback_s)); ops.create = br_app_create; return ui_app_main(argc, argv, &ops, &window); }
- To create a window, call the window_create() function in the br_app_create() function.
window = window_create(NULL, 0, 0, EINA_FALSE);
Creating and Deleting a Window Object
To create and delete a window object:
- To create a window object, use the elm_win_add() function.
You can add a smart callback to your window using the evas_object_smart_callback_add() function.
The function adds a callback to the event specified by the event on the smart object (smart event).
static Browser_Window* window_create(Evas_Object *opener, int width, int height, Eina_Bool view_mode) { // Allocate memory Browser_Window *window = calloc(1, sizeof(Browser_Window)); if (!window) { // "ERROR: could not create browser window." return NULL; } // If you want to use GPU acceleration, use the following function // elm_config_accel_preference_set("opengl:depth24:stencil8"); // Create window window->elm_window = elm_win_add(NULL, "minibrowser-window", ELM_WIN_BASIC); evas_object_smart_callback_add(window->elm_window, "delete,request", on_window_deletion, &window); }
- An application also needs a callback fired for the window deletion event. In the callback's body of implementation, call the window_close() function for a returned object of the window_find_with_elm_window() function.
static void on_window_deletion(void *user_data, Evas_Object *elm_window, void *event_info) { window_close(window_find_with_elm_window(elm_window)); }
Setting the Window Layout
Create the window layout.
Figure: Window layout
For this purpose, create new boxes (vertical_layout and horizontal_layout) using the elm_box_add() function:
// Create vertical layout Evas_Object *vertical_layout = elm_box_add(window->elm_window); elm_box_padding_set(vertical_layout, 0, 2); evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(vertical_layout, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND); elm_win_resize_object_add(window->elm_window, vertical_layout); evas_object_show(vertical_layout); // Create horizontal layout for top bar Evas_Object *horizontal_layout = elm_box_add(window->elm_window); elm_box_horizontal_set(horizontal_layout, EINA_TRUE); evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(horizontal_layout, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0); evas_object_size_hint_align_set(horizontal_layout, EVAS_HINT_FILL, 0.0); elm_box_pack_end(vertical_layout, horizontal_layout); evas_object_show(horizontal_layout);
The evas_object_size_hint_weight_set() function sets the hints for an object's weight. EVAS_HINT_EXPAND is a macro definition for a value 1.0 (EVAS_HINT_FILL for -1.0). The elm_win_resize_object_add() function adds a subobject as the resize object of the object. The evas_object_show() function makes an object visible. The elm_box_pack_end() function adds a subobject at the end of the pack list.
Setting the Window View
Create a window view and set the user agent. To create the view, use the ewk_view_add() function. The view is an object that displays pages in the browser. To set the user agent, use the ewk_view_user_agent_set() function.
static Browser_Window* window_create(Evas_Object *opener, int width, int height, Eina_Bool view_mode) { Evas *evas = evas_object_evas_get(window->elm_window); window->ewk_view = ewk_view_add(evas); ewk_view_user_agent_set(window->ewk_view, user_agent_string); }
Handling Key and Mouse Events
To handle mouse or key events, corresponding callbacks need to be set by calling the evas_object_event_callback_add() function.
static Browser_Window* window_create(Evas_Object *opener, int width, int height, Eina_Bool view_mode) { evas_object_event_callback_add(window->ewk_view, EVAS_CALLBACK_KEY_DOWN, on_key_down, window); evas_object_event_callback_add(window->ewk_view, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, on_mouse_down, window); }
Event | Callback | Callback type |
Key down | EVAS_CALLBACK_KEY_DOWN | static void on_key_down(void *user_data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *ewk_view, void *event_info); |
Mouse down | EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN | static void on_mouse_down(void *user_data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *ewk_view, void *event_info); |
To handle pressed key modifiers, such as Ctrl or Alt, the evas_key_modifier_is_set() function must be called. To get the Evas_Modifier object that contains information about which key modifiers are registered, call the evas_key_modifier_get() function, passing the Evas canvas object as an argument.
static void on_key_down(void *user_data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *ewk_view, void *event_info) { Browser_Window *window = (Browser_Window *)user_data; Evas_Event_Key_Down *ev = (Evas_Event_Key_Down*) event_info; const Evas_Modifier *mod = evas_key_modifier_get(e); Eina_Bool ctrlPressed = evas_key_modifier_is_set(mod, "Control"); Eina_Bool altPressed = evas_key_modifier_is_set(mod, "Alt"); }
Now ev->key contains the name of the key that caused the event trigger. For example, to check whether the combination Alt + Left Arrow was pressed, (!strcmp(ev->key, "Left") && altPressed) must evaluate to TRUE.
Key | Behavior | API |
Alt+Left | Back view | ewk_view_back |
Alt+Right | Forward view | ewk_view_forward |
F5 | Reload view | ewk_view_reload |
Alt+F5 | Reload view bypassing cache | ewk_view_bypass_cache |
F6 | Stop | ewk_view_stop |
The mouse down event information is stored in Evas_Event_Mouse_Down. Similarly as in key events, ev->button contains information on which button was pressed. In this example, pressing the first button calls the view_focus_set() function to update the focus.
static void on_mouse_down(void *user_data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *ewk_view, void *event_info) { Browser_Window *window = (Browser_Window *)user_data; Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *ev = (Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *)event_info; if (ev->button == 1) view_focus_set(window, EINA_TRUE); }
Showing a Window and Setting the Focus
In EFL, the UI focus control is implemented in an Elementary object, not an Evas_Object. Therefore, the application using EWK derived from an Evas_Object must control the focus itself. For example, steal focus away from the elm_window object and give it to the ewk_view.
To set the focus to an ewk_view, use the elm_object_focus_set() and evas_object_focus_set() functions.
static void view_focus_set(Browser_Window *window, Eina_Bool focus) { // We steal focus away from elm focus model and start to do things // manually here, so elm now has no clue what is up. Tell elm that its // top level UI component is to be unfocused so elm gives up the focus elm_object_focus_set(elm_object_top_widget_get(window->elm_window), EINA_FALSE); evas_object_focus_set(window->ewk_view, focus); };
Call this function in the window_create() function.
window_create() { elm_win_resize_object_add(window->elm_window, window->ewk_view); evas_object_show(window->ewk_view); evas_object_show(window->elm_window); view_focus_set(window, EINA_TRUE); return window; }
The evas_object_show() function makes the given Evas object visible.
Finding a Window
This example uses 2 helper functions for finding window structures. The first one, the window_find_with_elm_window() function, takes elm_window as an argument and returns a pointer to the Browser_Window object that the window is part of. The second one, the window_find_with_ewk_view() function, does the same for ewk_view. Both of them use the EINA_LIST_FOREACH macro to iterate over the windows list.
static Browser_Window* window_find_with_elm_window(Evas_Object *elm_window) { Eina_List *l; void *data; if (!elm_window) return NULL; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(windows, l, data) { Browser_Window *window = (Browser_Window *)data; if (window->elm_window == elm_window) return window; } return NULL; } static Browser_Window* window_find_with_ewk_view(Evas_Object *ewk_view) { Eina_List *l; void *data; if (!ewk_view) return NULL; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(windows, l, data) { Browser_Window *window = (Browser_Window *)data; if (window->ewk_view == ewk_view) return window; } return NULL; }
Finalizing the Application
To close the application correctly, use the ewk_shutdown() function. This function cleans up any resources your application has allocated.
static void br_app_terminate(void *app_data) { ewk_shutdown(); }
In the main function, register the termination callback:
main() { ops.create = br_app_create; ops.terminate = br_app_terminate; return ui_app_main(argc, argv, &ops, &window); }