Mobile native

Voice control elementary: Controlling UI Elements with Voice

This tutorial demonstrates how you can register voice commands for EFL-supported UI components to perform component-related actions, such as button clicks.

This feature is supported in mobile applications only.


Become familiar with the Voice control elementary API basics by learning about:

Initializing the Voice Control

To initialize the Voice control elementary library and create a handle:

  1. To use the functions and data types of the Voice control elementary API, include the <voice_control_elm.h> header file in your application:
    #include <voice_control_elm.h>
  2. Initialize the Voice control elementary library with the vc_elm_initialize() function:
       int ret;
       ret = vc_elm_initialize();
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret)
          // Error handling
  3. Create a handle for each UI component for which you want to set a command and hint. Use the vc_elm_create_object() function to create a handle for Evas_Objects, and the vc_elm_create_item() function for Elm_Object_Items.
       int ret;
       vc_elm_h handler_object;
       vc_elm_h handler_item;
       // Creating Evas_Object button
       Evas_Object *button = elm_button_add(win);
       ret = vc_elm_create_object(button, &handler_object);
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret) 
          // Error handling
       // Creating Elm_Object_Item list
       Elm_Object_Item *item = elm_list_item_append(...);
       ret = vc_elm_create_item(item, &handler_item);
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret) 
          // Error handling
  4. When voice control is no longer needed, destroy the handle and deinitialize the library:
    destroy_vc_elm_handler(vc_elm_h &handler)
       int ret;
       ret = vc_elm_destroy(handler);
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret) 
          // Error handling
       int ret;
       ret = vc_elm_deinitialize();
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret)
          // Error handling

Monitoring Language Changes

To monitor when the system or application language changes:

  1. Set the language change callback to be invoked when the system or application language changes.

    It is important to track the current language, since you must set the commands and hints accordingly to ensure that the voice commands are recognized correctly.

       int ret;
       ret = vc_elm_set_current_language_changed_cb(language_changed_cb, NULL);
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret) 
          // Error handling
  2. Define the callback to set the commands and hints according to the current language:
    language_changed_cb(const char *previous, const char *current, void* user_data)
       if ("en_US" == current) 
          vc_elm_set_command(handler, "button");
          vc_elm_set_command_hint(handler, "button");
       else if ("ko_KR" = current) 
          vc_elm_set_command(handler, "버튼");
          vc_elm_set_command_hint(handler, "버튼");
  3. When no longer needed, unset the callback:
       int ret;
       ret = vc_elm_unset_current_language_changed_cb();
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret) 
          // Error handling

Retrieving Voice Control Information

To get information about supported languages, widgets, and actions:

  • Get the current Voice control elementary language using the vc_elm_get_current_language() function:

       char *current_language;
       int ret;
       ret = vc_elm_get_current_language(&current_language);
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret) 
          // Error handling
  • Get the languages supported by Voice control elementary library with a callback function that runs for each language separately.

    The callback cannot be unset: as long as it returns true, it continues to loop over the supported languages.

    supported_language_cb(const char *language, void* user_data)
       return true; // To continue to get the next language
       return false; // To stop
       int ret;
       ret = vc_elm_foreach_supported_languages(supported_language_cb, NULL);
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret) 
          // Error handling
  • Get the UI components supported by Voice control elementary library with a callback function that runs for each UI component separately.

    The callback cannot be unset: as long as it returns true, it continues to loop over the supported UI components.

    widget_cb(const char *widget, void *user_data)
       return true; // To continue to get the next UI component 
       return false; // To stop
       int ret;
       ret = vc_elm_foreach_supported_widgets(widget_cb, NULL);
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret) 
          // Error handling
  • Get the actions supported by Voice control elementary library for specific UI components with a callback function that runs for each action separately.

    The callback cannot be unset: as long as it returns true, it continues to loop over the supported actions.

    To translate an actions to corresponding command parameters, use the vc_elm_get_action_command() function.

    action_cb(const char *action, void *user_data)
       char *command_param;
       vc_elm_get_action_command(action, &command_param);
       return true; // To continue to get the next action
       return false; // To stop
       int ret;
       // Elm_Button is an example, this can be obtained using vc_elm_foreach_supported_widgets callback
       ret = vc_elm_foreach_supported_actions("Elm_Button", action_cb, NULL);
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret) 
          // Error handling

Managing Commands and Hints

To set and unset commands and hints, and define the hint direction and offset:

  1. Use the handle created for a specific UI component to set a command the user must speak in order to perform actions on the UI component:
    set_command(vc_elm_h &handler)
       int ret;
       ret = vc_elm_set_command(handler, "Command"); 
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret) 
          // Error handling
  2. To show the command on the screen as a tooltip, set a hint (tooltip) for the UI component:
    set_command_hint(vc_elm_h &handler)
       int ret;
       ret = vc_elm_set_command_hint(handler, "Hint");
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret) 
          // Error handling
  3. Set the hint direction and offset (X and Y coordinates).

    By default, the hint tooltip is shown so that it does not cover the underlying UI component and does not intersect with other hints.

    set_hint_direction(vc_elm_h &handler)
       int ret; 
       ret = vc_elm_set_command_hint_direction(handler, VC_ELM_DIRECTION_RIGHT);
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret) 
          // Error handling
    set_hint_offset(vc_elm_h &handler)
       int ret; 
       ret = vc_elm_set_command_hint_offset(handler, 100, 100);
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret) 
          // Error handling

    You can get the current hint location using the vc_elm_get_command_hint_direction() and vc_elm_get_command_hint_offset() functions:

    get_hint_direction(vc_elm_h &handler)
       int ret;
       vc_elm_direction_e direction;
       ret = vc_elm_get_command_hint_direction(handler, &direction);
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret) 
          // Error handling
    get_hint_offset(vc_elm_h &handler)
       int ret;
       int x, y;
       ret = vc_elm_get_command_hint_offset(handler, &x, &y);
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret) 
          // Error handling
  4. When no longer needed, unset the command and hint:
    unset_command(vc_elm_h &handler)
       int ret;
       ret = vc_elm_unset_command(handler);
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret) 
          // Error handling
    unset_command_hint(vc_elm_h &handler)
       int ret;
       ret = vc_elm_unset_command_hint(handler);
       if (VC_ELM_ERROR_NONE != ret) 
          // Error handling
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