Mobile native Wearable native

Device: Accessing Devices, Such as SB, MMC, Battery, CPU, and Display

This tutorial demonstrates how you can manage the display, battery, LED, haptic, and power functions.


Become familiar with the Device API basics by learning about:

Retrieving Battery Information

To retrieve battery information:

  1. To use the functions and data types of the Battery API (in mobile and wearable applications), include the <device/battery.h> header file in your application:

    #include <device/battery.h>
  2. Get the battery details:
    • Get the battery percentage with the device_battery_get_percent() function.

      The function returns the current battery percentage as an integer value from 0 to 100 that indicates the remaining battery charge as a percentage of the maximum level.

      int error, pct;
      error = device_battery_get_percent(&pct);
    • Get the current charging battery state with the device_battery_is_charging() function:
      int error;
      bool charging;
      error = device_battery_is_charging(&charging);
    • Get the current battery level state with the device_battery_get_level_status() function.

      The device_battery_level_e enumerator (in mobile and wearable applications) defines the available battery levels.

      int error;
      device_battery_level_e level;
      error = device_battery_get_level_status(&level);

Controlling the Display

To control the display:

  1. To use the functions and data types of the Display API (in mobile and wearable applications), include the <device/display.h> header file in your application:

    #include <device/display.h>
  2. Retrieve and set display properties:
    • Get the number of display devices with the device_display_get_numbers() function:
      int error, num;
      error = device_display_get_numbers(&num);
    • Get the maximum brightness with the device_display_get_max_brightness() function.

      The function returns the maximum brightness value that can be set. This function always returns as 100.

      int error, max;
      error = device_display_get_max_brightness(0, &max);
    • Get and set the display brightness with the device_display_get_brightness() and device_display_set_brightness() functions:
      int error, brt;
      error = device_display_get_brightness(0, &brt);
      error = device_display_set_brightness(0, 100);
    • Get and set the display state with the device_display_get_state() and device_display_change_state() functions:
      int error;
      display_state_e state;
      error = device_display_get_state(&state);
      error = device_display_change_state(DISPLAY_STATE_NORMAL);

      The display_state_e enumerator (in mobile and wearable applications) defines the available display states.

Controlling Haptic Devices

To control haptic devices:

  1. To use the functions and data types of the Haptic API (in mobile and wearable applications), include the <device/haptic.h> header file in your application:

    #include <device/haptic.h>
  2. Get the number of haptic devices with the device_haptic_get_count() function.
    int error, num;
    error = device_haptic_get_count(&num);
  3. Initialize the haptic device with the device_haptic_open() function.

    The function opens a haptic-vibration device and returns the handle of the haptic device. It makes a connection to the vibrator.

    int error;
    haptic_device_h handle;
    error = device_haptic_open(0, &handle);
  4. Play and stop an effect on the device with the device_haptic_vibrate() and device_haptic_stop() functions.

    The device vibrates during specified time with a constant intensity. The effect handle can be 0.

    int error;
    haptic_effect_h effect_handle;
    error = device_haptic_vibrate(handle, 1000, 100, &effect_handle);
    error = device_haptic_stop(handle, &effect_handle);
  5. When no longer needed, uninitialize the haptic device with the device_haptic_close() function.

    The function closes the haptic handle. It disconnects the connection to the vibrator.

    int error;
    error = device_haptic_close(0, handle);

Controlling LED Devices

To control LED devices:

  1. To use the functions and data types of the Led API (in mobile and wearable applications), include the <device/led.h> header file in your application:

    #include <device/led.h>
  2. Get the maximum brightness value of a torch LED with the device_flash_get_max_brightness() function.

    The function returns the maximum brightness value of the torch LED located next to the camera.

    int error, max;
    error = device_flash_get_max_brightness(&max);
  3. Get and set the current brightness value of a torch LED with the device_flash_get_brightness() and device_flash_set_brightness() functions.
    int error, val;
    error = device_flash_get_brightness(&val);
    error = device_flash_set_brightness(1);
  4. Play and stop a custom effect of the service LED with the device_led_play_custom() and device_led_stop_custom() functions.

    The custom effect of the service LED that is located on the front of a device plays.

    int error;
    error = device_led_play_custom(1000,500,0xFFFF0000, LED_CUSTOM_DEFAULT);
    error = device_led_stop_custom();

    The led_custom_flags enumerator (in mobile and wearable applications) defines the available custom effects.

Controlling the Power State

To control the device power state:

  1. To use the functions and data types of the Power API (in mobile and wearable applications), include the <device/power.h> header file in your application:

    #include <device/power.h>
  2. Lock the power state with the device_power_request_lock() function.

    The function locks the given lock state for a specified time. After the given timeout, the given lock state is unlocked automatically. If the process is destroyed, every lock is removed.

    The power_lock_e enumerator (in mobile and wearable applications) defines the available lock types.

    int error;
    error = device_power_request_lock(POWER_LOCK_CPU, 0);
  3. Unlock the power state with the device_power_release_lock() function.

    The function releases the given lock state locked before.

    int error;
    error = device_power_release_lock(POWER_LOCK_CPU);
  4. Change the current power state with the device_power_wakeup() function.

    The function changes the current power state to the normal or dim state:

    int error;
    error = device_power_wakeup(true);

Monitoring Device Changes

To monitor device changes:

  1. To use the functions and data types of the Callback API (in mobile and wearable applications), include the <device/callback.h> header file in your application:

    #include <device/callback.h>
  2. Define the device changed callback, which is called when a device status changes.

    The device_callback_e enumerator (in mobile and wearable applications) defines the available callback types.

    static void 
    changed_cb(device_callback_e type, void *value, void *user_data)
       int val;
       val = (int)value;
       dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "current display state : %d", val);
  3. Register the callback function:
    int error;
    error = device_add_callback(DEVICE_CALLBACK_DISPLAY_STATE, changed_cb, NULL);
  4. When no longer needed, unregister the callback function:
    int error;
    error = device_remove_callback(DEVICE_CALLBACK_DISPLAY_STATE, changed_cb);
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