Thumbnail Util: Extracting a Thumbnail from an Input Media File
This tutorial demonstrates how you can extract thumbnails from media files.
This feature is supported in mobile applications only.
Become familiar with the Thumbnail Util API basics by learning about:
Initializing the Thumbnail Utility
Initialize the thumbnail utility for use.
Extract a thumbnail from a file.
Initializing the Thumbnail Utility
To initialize the thumbnail utility for use:
To use the functions and data types of the Thumbnail Util API, include the <thumbnail_util.h> header file in your application:
#include <thumbnail_util.h>
To work with the Thumbnail Util API, define a handle variable for the thumbnail utility:
static thumbnail_h g_thumb_h = NULL;
This tutorial uses a global variable for the handle.
Make sure you have access to the file whose thumbnail you want to extract.
This tutorial uses a JPEG image file, which is accessed through its file path. The following example code uses internal storage, so you must include the <storage.h> header file for the code to work.
int internal_storage_id; char *internal_image_storage_path; char *image_file_name = "test_image.jpg"; char *image_test_path; static bool storage_cb(int storage_id, storage_type_e type, storage_state_e state, const char *path, void *user_data) { if (type == STORAGE_TYPE_INTERNAL) { internal_storage_id = storage_id; return false; } return true; } void _get_internal_storage_path() { int error; char *path = NULL; error = storage_foreach_device_supported(storage_cb, NULL); error = storage_get_directory(internal_storage_id, STORAGE_DIRECTORY_IMAGES, &path); if (error != STORAGE_ERROR_NONE) { internal_image_storage_path = strdup(path); free(path); } } void _make_test_path() { int path_len = 0; path_len = strlen(internal_image_storage_path) + strlen(image_file_name) + 1; image_test_path = malloc(path_len); memset(image_test_path, 0x0, path_len); strncat(image_test_path, internal_image_storage_path, strlen(internal_image_storage_path)); strncat(image_test_path, image_file_name, strlen(image_file_name)); }
Note |
The Thumbnail Util functions can use both common content in the device storage (internal or external) and private content in your application data. |
Extracting a Thumbnail
To extract a thumbnail from the file:
Create the thumbnail utility handle using the thumbnail_util_create() function:
ret = thumbnail_util_create(&g_thumb_h);
Set the path to the file using the thumbnail_util_set_path() function:
ret = thumbnail_util_set_path(g_thumb_h, image_test_path);
The function binds the thumbnail utility handle (first parameter) with the file specified in the path variable (second parameter).
Set the thumbnail size using the thumbnail_util_set_size() function:
int width = 512; int height = 288; ret = thumbnail_util_set_size(g_thumb_h, width, height);
If you do not set the size, the Thumbnail Util API use a default size of 320 x 240.
Extract the thumbnail from the file using the thumbnail_util_extract() function. As parameters, define the thumbnail utility handle, a callback for checking the extraction result, user data, and a request ID.
void thumbnail_completed_cb(thumbnail_util_error_e error, const char *request_id, int raw_width, int raw_height, unsigned char *raw_data, int raw_size, void *user_data) { dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "REQUEST ID: %s\n", request_id); dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "WIDTH: %d, HEIGHT: %d\n", raw_width, raw_height); } void extract() { char *request_id = NULL; ret = thumbnail_util_extract(g_thumb_h, thumbnail_completed_cb, NULL, &request_id); }
After calling the function, check whether the return value is THUMBNAIL_UTIL_ERROR_NONE. If it is, the function extracted the thumbnail successfully and stored it in the raw_data parameter returned by the callback. Otherwise, the function failed because of an error, which you need to handle.
The request ID is returned in the request_id parameter of the callback. You can use it to distinguish between different-sized thumbnails extracted from the same file, or to cancel a specific extraction request using the thumbnail_util_cancel() function.
The thumbnail is raw data that you can display on the screen directly. You can also encode and save the thumbnail to a file. When no longer needed, release the thumbnail using the free() function.
When no longer needed, destroy the thumbnail utility handle using the thumbnail_util_destroy() function: