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Activity Recognition: Detecting User Activities

This tutorial demonstrates how you can detect and monitor user activities.


Become familiar with the Activity Recognition API basics by learning about:

Detecting Activities

To set and unset callback functions for the activity monitor and retrieve details from the received activity data:

  1. To use the functions and data types of the Activity Recognition API (in mobile and wearable applications), include the <activity_recognition.h> header file in your application:

    #include <activity_recognition.h>
  2. Create a handle for activity monitoring using the activity_create() function:
    activity_h handle;
  3. To subscribe to notifications about specific activity state changes, invoke the activity_start_recognition() function to register a callback function.

    When specific activity data is received, the registered callback is invoked.

    The following example starts the activity monitor to receive notifications when the ACTIVITY_WALK activity is detected. Any of the activity_type_e enumerators (in mobile and wearable applications) can be used in place of the ACTIVITY_WALK value.

    activity_start_recognition(handle, ACTIVITY_WALK, example_activity_callback, NULL);
  4. When the registered callback is invoked, the current activity is delivered as a parameter, and you can extract the accuracy of the recognized activity:
    example_activity_callback(activity_type_e activity, const activity_data_h data, 
                              double timestamp, activity_error_e error, void *user_data)
       int result;
       activity_accuracy_e accuracy;
       result = activity_get_accuracy(data, &accuracy);
       if (result != ACTIVITY_ERROR_NONE) 
          // Error handling
  5. When activity monitoring is no longer needed, unset the callback function and destroy the handle:
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