Mobile native Wearable native

Bundle: Using the String-based Dictionary ADT

This tutorial demonstrates how you can access and use bundles, which are key-value dictionaries.


Become familiar with the Bundle API basics by learning about:

Initializing a Bundle

To initialize a bundle:

  1. To use the functions and data types of the Bundle API (in mobile and wearable applications), include the <bundle.h> header file in your application:

    #include <bundle.h>
  2. Before you can perform any operations on a bundle, create the bundle instance. Each bundle is independent from other bundles and stores its own set of records.

    bundle* bund = NULL;
    bund = bundle_create();
  3. When no longer needed, release the bundle by calling the bundle_free() function:


Adding Content to a Bundle

The bundle content is in the form of key-value pairs. The key is always a string. The value can be of the following types:

Table: Bundle value types
Value constant Value type
BUNDLE_TYPE_STR String (default)

To add content to a bundle, use a function associated with the type of the value you want to add:

  • bundle_add_str_array()
  • bundle_add_str()
  • bundle_add_byte()
const char* array [3] = {"Var1", "Var2", "Var3"};
int array_len = 3;

bundle_add_str(bund, "Str", "String content"); 

bundle_add_str_array(bund, "Array", array, array_len); 

bundle_add_byte(bund, "Byte", "Byte content", 12);

When operating on bytes, remember to control the length of the given chain.

Managing the Bundle Content

To manage the bundle content:

  1. Get values from the bundle using the function associated with the type of the value you want to get:
    • bundle_get_str()
    • bundle_get_str_array()
    • bundle_get_byte()

    You can also get the number of bundle items with the bundle_get_count() function, and the type of a value with a specific key with the bundle_get_type() function.

       bundle *b = NULL;
       int count = 0;
       char *value;
       b = bundle_create();
       bundle_add_str(b, "key1", "val1");
       bundle_add_str(b, "key2", "val2");
       bundle_get_str(b, "key2", &value);
       dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "the value of key2 : %s", value);
       count = bundle_get_count(b);
       dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "the number of bundle items : %d", count);
  2. Delete a key-value pair from the bundle content using the bundle_del() function:
       bundle_del(b, "key2");

Iterating a Bundle

To iterate through the bundle records, use the bundle_foreach() function, which requires a callback function to operate. The callback function must first determine the key-value pairs and then perform the specified operations.

After the bundle_foreach() function call, the callback function is invoked for each record in the bundle:

iterate_bundle_foreach(const char *key, const int type, bundle_keyval_t *kv, void *user_data)
   dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "key : %s, type : %d ", key, type);
   void *ptr = NULL;
   char *buff = NULL;
   unsigned int size = 0;
   if (type == BUNDLE_TYPE_STR) 
      bundle_keyval_get_basic_val((bundle_keyval_t *) kv, &ptr, &size);
      buff = malloc(sizeof(char)* size + 1);
      snprintf(buff, size + 1, "%s", ((char*) ptr));
      dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "Found STR -KEY: %s, VAL: %s, SIZE: %d", key, buff, size);
   else if (type == BUNDLE_TYPE_BYTE) 
      bundle_keyval_get_basic_val((bundle_keyval_t *) kv, &ptr, &size);
      buff = malloc(sizeof(char)* size + 1);
      snprintf(buff, size + 1, "%s", ((char*) ptr));
      dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "Found STR -KEY: %s, VAL: %s, SIZE: %d", key, buff, size);
   else if (type == BUNDLE_TYPE_STR_ARRAY) 
      void ** array;
      unsigned int len = 0;
      size_t *element_size = NULL;
      dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "Found STR_ARRAY -KEY: %s", key);
      bundle_keyval_get_array_val((bundle_keyval_t *) kv, &array, &len, &element_size);
      dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "-Array len: %d", len);
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) 
         dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "-%s", (char*)array[i]);

   const char *s_arr[] = {"abc", "bcd", "cde"};
   bundle *b;
   b = bundle_create();

   bundle_add_str(b, "k1", "v1");
   bundle_add_byte(b, "k2", "v2", 3);  
   bundle_add_str_array(b, "k3", s_arr, 3);
   bundle_foreach(b, iterate_bundle_foreach, NULL);

Encoding and Decoding a Bundle

To store or send a bundle over a serial connection, encode it to bundle_raw (a typedef of unsigned char) with the bundle_encode() function, and write the bundle_raw instance to a file, for example.

To open the encoded bundle, use the bundle_decode() function. When you no longer need them, release the encoded data and the created bundle.

   bundle *b1, *b2;
   bundle_raw *r;
   int size_r;
   char *value;

   b1 = bundle_create();
   bundle_add_str(b1, "k1", "v1");
   bundle_add_str(b1, "k2", "v2");

   bundle_encode(b1, &r, &size_r);

   b2 = bundle_decode(r, size_r);

   bundle_get_str(b1, "k1", &value);
   dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "value of k1 after decode : %s", value);

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