Mobile Web

Web Audio

This feature is supported in mobile applications only.

Tizen provides a high quality sound by setting space and direction through audio data, and synthesizing them. It is used in the audio engines of the sophisticated games to mix, process, and filter effects.

The main features of the Web Audio API include:

  • Loading source data

    You must load source data before using the Web Audio API. You can do this using XMLHttprequest.

    The AudioContext interface is used to manage and play the sound. It creates a high quality sound and connects to the destination of the sound.

  • Modular routing

    Modular routing means routing audio data either in a direct manner, such as speaker output, or through a connection to AudioNodes, which handle, for example, volume adjustment and filters.

  • Playing sound

    Use the noteOn(time) or start(time) method to play sound with the time parameter for specifying the time interval in seconds after which the audio is played. For example, the 0 time value implies playing the audio immediately and the currentTime + 0.75 time value implies that the audio is played after 0.75 seconds.

  • Stopping sound

    Use the noteOff(time) or stop(time) method to stop sound with the time parameter for specifying the time interval in seconds after which the audio playback is stopped. For example, the 0 time value implies stopping the audio playback immediately and the currentTime + 0.75 time value implies that the audio playback is stopped after 0.75 seconds.

    After stopping sound, recreate the AudioBufferSourceNode interface instance to play sound again.

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