Mobile native Wearable native


The application can broadcast its own events to all listeners, and subscribe to events. The events can be either predefined system events from the platform (only platform modules can broadcast system events) or user-defined events (broadcast by UI and service applications).

The main features of the Event API are:

  • Event publication

    To publish an event, use the event_publish_app_event() and event_publish_trusted_app_event() functions. The event_publish_trusted_app_event() function publishes a trusted event which can only be received by the application that has the same signature as the publishing application.

  • Event subscription

    To subscribe to an event, use the event_add_event_handler() function. When no longer needed, unsubscribe the event with the event_remove_event_handler() function.

  • Launch-On-Events

    Service applications can be launched when a desired target event occurs.

    To register an interest in a Launch-On-Event, define the operation in the tizen-manifest.xml file.

    The following table shows the system events that support Launch-On-Event.

    Table: System events supporting Launch-On-Event
    Name Condition
    tizen.system.event.battery_charger_status When the charger state is "connected".
    tizen.system.event.usb_status When the USB state is "connected".
    tizen.system.event.earjack_status When the earjack status is "connected".
    tizen.system.event.incoming_msg When the msg_type and msg_id exist.

The application can be suspended while in the background, causing a pause in event handling. Since the application cannot receive events in the suspended state, they are all delivered in series after the application exits the suspended state. Consider how to manage this situation and prevent the application from being flooded with events:

  • To handle events in the background without going to a suspended state, declare a background category.
  • To avoid receiving any events that are triggered while the application is suspended, remove the event handler before entering the suspended state and add it back after exiting the suspended state. You can manage the event handler addition and removal in the APP_EVENT_SUSPENDED_STATE_CHANGED event callback, which is triggered each time the application enters and exist the suspended state.

The following table lists the platform event types.

Table: Platform event types
Module Category Event name Event data Condition Notes
Key Value
capi-system-device battery tizen.system.event.battery_charger_status battery_charger_status
  • "disconnected": Charger is not connected

  • "connected": Charger is connected

  • "charging": Charging is enabled

  • "discharging": Charging is disabled (for example, 100% full state)

When the charger has been connected or disconnected, or when the charging state has changed (charging or not). If there is an earlier occurrence regarding this event, you receive the event as soon as you register an event handler for this event. You can use this earlier event data as the initial value.
tizen.system.event.battery_level_status battery_level_status
  • "empty": Level <= 1%

  • "critical": Level <= 5%

  • "low": 5% < level <= 15%

  • "high": 15% < level <= 95%

  • "full": Level > 95%

When the battery level has changed. You can get the current value with the device_battery_get_level_status() function.
deviced usb tizen.system.event.usb_status usb_status
  • "disconnected": USB cable is not connected

  • "connected": USB cable is connected, but the service is not available

  • "available": USB service is available (for example, mtp or sdb)

When the USB cable has been connected or disconnected, or when the USB service state has changed. You can get the current value with the RUNTIME_INFO_KEY_USB_CONNECTED key.
earjack tizen.system.event.earjack_status earjack_status
  • "disconnected": Earjack is not connected

  • "connected": Earjack is connected

When the earjack connection state has changed. You can get the current value with the RUNTIME_INFO_KEY_AUDIO_JACK_STATUS key.
display tizen.system.event.display_state display_state
  • "normal": Display on, normal brightness

  • "dim": Display on, dimmed brightness

  • "off": Display off

When the display state has changed. You can get the current value with the device_display_get_state() function.
systemd system tizen.system.event.boot_completed N/A N/A When platform booting has been completed. You can treat the initial value as false before you receive this event. If the application is already in a boot-completed state before you register an event handler, you receive the event as soon as you register the event handler.
tizen.system.event.system_shutdown N/A N/A When the system power-off has been started. You can treat the initial value as false before you receive this event. If the application is already in a shutting-down state before you register an event handler, you receive the event as soon as you register the event handler.
resourced ram memory tizen.system.event.low_memory low_memory
  • "normal": Available > 200MB

  • "soft_warning": 100MB < available <= 200MB

  • "hard_warning": Available <= 100MB

Above numbers can differ according to the total RAM size of the target device.
When the size of available memory has changed. If there is an earlier occurrence regarding this event, you receive the event as soon as you register an event handler for this event. You can use this earlier event data as the initial value.
network connectivity tizen.system.event.wifi_state wifi_state
  • "on": Wi-Fi on

  • "off": Wi-Fi off

  • "connected": Wi-Fi connection established

When the Wi-Fi state has changed. You can get the current value with the connection_get_wifi_state() function.
tizen.system.event.bt_state bt_state
  • "off": Legacy Bluetooth off

  • "on": Legacy Bluetooth on

When the Bluetooth state has changed. You can get the current value with the bt_adapter_get_state() function.
  • "off": LE function off

  • "on": LE function on

When Bluetooth LE state has changed.
  • "non_transfering": Idle state

  • "transfering": File is transferring

When the file transfer state has changed.
libslp-location location tizen.system.event.location_enable_state location_enable_state
  • "disabled": Location disabled

  • "enabled": Location enabled

When the location-enable_state has been changed, for example, by the user toggling the location setting in the settings menu or quick panel. You can get the current value with the location_manager_is_enabled_method() function.
tizen.system.event.gps_enable_state gps_enable_state
  • "disabled": GPS disabled

  • "enabled": GPS enabled

When the gps-enable_state has changed. You can get the current value with the location_manager_is_enabled_method() function.
tizen.system.event.nps_enable_state nps_enable_state
  • "disabled": NPS disabled

  • "enabled": NPS enabled

When the NPS setting has been changed, for example, by the user toggling the location settings. You can get the current value with the location_manager_is_enabled_method() function.
msg-service message tizen.system.event.incoming_msg msg_type
  • "sms": SMS-type message

  • "push": Push-type message

  • "cb": Cb-type message

When an SMS, push, or CB message has been received.
msg_id msg_id: Message ID of the received message (string of the unsigned int type value)
alarm-manager time tizen.system.event.time_changed N/A N/A When the system time setting has changed. You can get the current value with the alarm_get_current_time() function.
setting time tizen.system.event.time_zone time_zone The value of this key is the time zone value of the time zone database, for example, "Asia/Seoul", "America/New_York". For more information, see the IANA Time Zone Database. When the time zone has changed. You can get the current value with the SYSTEM_SETTINGS_KEY_LOCALE_TIMEZONE key.
locale tizen.system.event.hour_format hour_format
  • "12"
  • "24"
When the hour_format has changed, for example, by the user toggling the date and time settings for the 24-hour clock (where OFF stands for the 12-hour clock). You can get the current value with the SYSTEM_SETTINGS_KEY_LOCALE_TIMEFORMAT_24HOUR key.
tizen.system.event.language_set language_set The value of this key is full name of locale, for example, ko_KR.UTF8 in case of Korean and en_US.UTF8 in case of American English. For more information, see the Linux locale information. When the language_set has changed. You can get the current value with the SYSTEM_SETTINGS_KEY_LOCALE_LANGUAGE key.
tizen.system.event.region_format region_format The value of this key is the full name of the locale, for example, ko_KR.UTF8 in case of the Korean region format and en_US.UTF8 in case of the USA region format. For more information, see the Linux locale information. When the region format has changed. You can get the current value with the SYSTEM_SETTINGS_KEY_LOCALE_COUNTRY key.
sound tizen.system.event.silent_mode silent_mode
  • "on"
  • "off"
When the ringtone has been changed to 0 or another mode. For example, if the call slider has been changed to 0, silent_mode is "on". Otherwise, silent_mode is "off". You can get the current value with the SYSTEM_SETTINGS_KEY_SOUND_SILENT_MODE key.
vibration tizen.system.event.vibration_state vibration_state
  • "on"
  • "off"
When the vibration state has changed. You can get the current value with the RUNTIME_INFO_KEY_VIBRATION_ENABLED key.
screen tizen.system.event.screen_autorotate_state screen_autorotate_state
  • "on"
  • "off"
When the screen_autorotate_state has been changed, for example, by the user toggling the display settings. You can get the current value with the SYSTEM_SETTINGS_KEY_DISPLAY_SCREEN_ROTATION_AUTO key.
mobile tizen.system.event.mobile_data_state mobile_data_state
  • "on"
  • "off"
When the mobile_data_state has been changed, for example, by the user toggling the network settings. You can get the current value with the SYSTEM_SETTINGS_KEY_3G_DATA_NETWORK_ENABLED key.
tizen.system.event.data_roaming_state data_roaming_state
  • "on"
  • "off"
When the data_roaming_state has been changed, for example, by the user toggling the network settings. You can get the current value with the RUNTIME_INFO_KEY_DATA_ROAMING_ENABLED key.
font tizen.system.event.font_set font_set The value of this key is the font name of the string type by font-config. When the font has changed. You can get the current value with the SYSTEM_SETTINGS_KEY_FONT_TYPE key.
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