Mobile native Wearable native


In a grid, objects are placed at specific positions along a fixed grid, where the position of each object is given as a percentage of the full width and height of the grid. By default, the size of the grid is 100 x 100 pixels.

Creating a Grid

To create a grid, use the elm_grid_add() function:

Evas_Object *grid;

grid = elm_grid_add(parent);

Adding Items to the Grid

To add an item to the grid, use the elm_grid_pack() function. Provide the x and y coordinates, and the width and height in the grid as parameters. The following code adds 12 icons in a circle formation:

for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
   ic = elm_icon_add(grid);
   elm_image_file_set(ic, "c1.png", NULL);
   evas_object_size_hint_min_set(ic, 128, 128);
   x = 40 * cos(2.0 * M_PI / 12 * i);
   y = 40 * sin(2.0 * M_PI / 12 * i);
   elm_grid_pack(grid, ic,  40 + x,  40 + y,  20 , 20);

Changing the Position and Size

To change the position of an item in the grid, use the elm_grid_pack_set() function. The first parameter is the item you want to move, and the following parameters are the same as for the elm_grid_pack() function.

To change the size of the grid, use the elm_grid_size_set() function. You can set the new width and height for the grid. The position and size of the items in the grid are changed accordingly.

Clearing the Grid

To clear the grid, use the elm_grid_clear() function. All items are removed from the grid. If you set the clear parameter, all the items are also deleted, with the evas_object_del() function called on each item.

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