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Time: Exposing Information about Date, Time, and Time Zones

This tutorial demonstrates how you can manage date and time information and perform different calculations and other tasks related to date and time.

The Time API is mandatory for both Tizen mobile and wearable profiles, which means that it is supported in all mobile and wearable devices. All mandatory APIs are supported on the Tizen Emulators.


Become familiar with the Time API basics by learning about:

Retrieving Date and Time

Learning how to handle date and time in your application is a basic locale management skill:

  1. To get the current date and time, use the getCurrentDateTime() method, which returns a TZDate object:

    var current_dt = tizen.time.getCurrentDateTime();
    console.log("Current time / date is " + current_dt.toLocaleString());
  2. To handle time zone information:
    1. To retrieve the current time zone, use the getLocalTimezone() method:

      console.log("The current time zone is " + tizen.time.getLocalTimezone());

      The general format of the time zones is "general descriptor/specific descriptor 1/specific descriptor 2/specific descriptor n". For example, "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires".

    2. To get the number of available time zones, use the getAvailableTimezones() method:

      var tzids = tizen.time.getAvailableTimezones();
      console.log("The device supports " + tzids.length + " time zones.");
  3. If you are creating a calendar-based application or accepting a date on an application form, you must validate user input for leap year date value. For example, 29/02/2011 is an invalid user input.

    To determine if the year is a leap year, use the isLeapYear() method:

    var current_dt = tizen.time.getCurrentDateTime();
    var is_leap = tizen.time.isLeapYear(current_dt.getFullYear());
    if (is_leap)
       console.log("This year is a leap year.");

    The getFullYear() method returns the year (4 digits) of the TZDate object.

Retrieving the Local Date and Time Format

Learning how to handle date and time formats in your application is a basic locale management skill:

  1. To check the date format, use the getDateFormat() method:

    var dateFormat = tizen.time.getDateFormat();
    console.log("Date format is " + dateFormat);
  2. To check the time format, use the getTimeFormat() method:

    var timeFormat = tizen.time.getTimeFormat();
    console.log("Time format is " + timeFormat);

Calculating Date and Time Information

Learning how to calculate and compare time and date information is a basic time management skill:

  1. To calculate the duration difference between 2 date or time events, use the difference() method of the TimeDuration object (in mobile and wearable applications):

    var event1, event2; /* Assume that those are correct tizen.CalendarEvent objects */
    /* Calculate event1.duration - event2.duration */
    var diff = event1.duration.difference(event2.duration);
    if (diff.length < 0)
       console.log("Event1 is longer than Event2.");
    else if (diff.length == 0)
       console.log("Event1 is as long as Event2.");
       console.log("Event1 is shorter than Event2.");
    The unit of the returned TimeDuration object is equivalent to the largest possible unit amongst the source parameter units while making sure that precision is not lost in the result. This implies that if, for example, a comparison is done between "1 hour" and "20 minutes", the result is displayed as 40 minutes, not 0.67 hour. Although the hour is a bigger unit than the minute, the result is more precise if presented in minutes.
  2. To compare 2 TimeDuration objects for equality, use the equalsTo() method:

    var d1 = new tizen.TimeDuration(60, "MINS");
    var d2 = new tizen.TimeDuration(1, "HOURS");
    var ret = d1.equalsTo(d2); /* Returns true */
  3. To check whether 1 TimeDuration object is shorter than another, use the lessThan() method:

    /* Check whether d1 is shorter than d2 */
    var d1 = new tizen.TimeDuration(1, "HOURS");
    var d2 = new tizen.TimeDuration(120, "MINS");
    var ret = d1.lessThan(d2); /* Returns true */
  4. To check whether 1 TimeDuration object is longer than another, use the greaterThan() method:

    /* Check whether d1 is longer than d2 */
    var d1 = new tizen.TimeDuration(2, "HOURS");
    var d2 = new tizen.TimeDuration(60, "MINS");
    var ret = d1.greaterThan(d2); /* Returns true */
  5. To add a predefined time to the current date, use the addDuration() method:

    /* Convert the current date to the date of the next day, at the same time */
    var now = tizen.time.getCurrentDateTime();
    var tomorrow = now.addDuration(new tizen.TimeDuration(1,"DAYS");

    If the number of added time is negative, date or time is set to an earlier moment of time.

Retrieving Time Change Notifications

Learning how to get notifications when the user changes the time or time zone allows you to react to those changes in your application:

  1. To monitor time or time zone changes, define the event handlers:

    • The time change event handler is called when the user adjusts the clock:

      function timeChangedCallback()
            var current_dt = tizen.time.getCurrentDateTime();
            console.log("Clock has been set. Current date/time is " + current_dt.toLocaleString());
    • The time zone change event handler is called when the user switches the time zone:

      function timezoneChangedCallback() 
            /* New time zone can be retrieved through tizen.time.getLocalTimezone() */
            var zone = tizen.time.getLocalTimezone();
            console.log("Time zone has been set to " + zone);
  2. When the event handlers are defined, register them as listeners:

    • Register the time change listener using the setDateTimeChangeListener() method of the TimeUtil interface (in mobile and wearable applications):

    • Register the time zone change listener using the setTimezoneChangeListener() method of the TimeUtil interface:

  3. To stop receiving the notifications, unregister the listeners:

    • To unregister the time change listener, use the unsetDateTimeChangeListener() method of the TimeUtil interface:

    • To unregister the time zone change listener, use the unsetTimezoneChangeListener() method of the TimeUtil interface:

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