Mobile Wearable


To help you develop your applications, Tizen provides the Tizen SDK (software development kit) and related tools.

The Tizen SDK consists of the following:

  • Platform binaries and libraries

    Binaries of Tizen and 3rd party libraries

  • Header files

    Header files of Tizen

  • IDE

    The Tizen Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is based on the JSDT (JavaScript Development Tools) and Eclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tools).

  • Tools

    The Tizen SDK provides various tools for Web application and native application development. Some common tools can be used for all application types.

  • Sample applications

    The Tizen SDK includes practical examples of using Tizen APIs in various applications.

The following table briefly describes the main contents of the SDK folders.

Table: Contents of the SDK folders
Folder Contents
documents General Tizen documentation
ide Tizen IDE
install-manager Tizen SDK Install Manager
library Tizen library and 3rd party libraries
license Tizen SDK license
platforms Tizen libraries, samples, and public header files
tools Tools available through the IDE that enable you to create application functionality and perform application development steps more easily
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