Mobile Web Wearable Web

getUserMedia: Accessing Media Streams

This tutorial demonstrates how you can access media streams and use them to capture media.


Become familiar with the getUserMedia API basics by learning about:

Task in Mobile Applications

In the Self Camera task, we will walk through displaying a camera video stream and capturing images from it.

Accessing a Video Stream

Learning how to access a video stream is a basic user media management skill:

  1. Create the HTML5 video element (in mobile or wearable applications) and a button used to control audio stream access:
       <video id="videoPlay" src="" autoplay controls></video><br/>
       <input type="button" value="START" onclick="getVideoStream();" id="btnStart">
  2. Use the navigator.webkitGetUserMedia() method to derive audio streams:
       function getVideoStream() 
          navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({video: true}, successCallBack, errorCallBack);                     

    The first parameter is mandatory and assigns a JSON object to determine which media element (audio or video) to use.

  3. Retrieve audio stream information and create stream URL:
       function SuccessCallback(stream) 
          var URL = window.webkitURL;
          document.getElementById("videoPlay").src =  URL.createObjectURL(stream);                     

Source Code

For the complete source code related to this use case, see the following file:

Capturing a Media Frame

Learning how to capture a frame and display it in a video element is a basic user media management skill:

  1. Create a canvas element and use the getCapture() method to capture a frame:

       <video id="videoView" src="" autoplay></video><br/>
       <img id="imgView" src="">
       <canvas id="canvasView" style="display: none;" width="300" height="225"></canvas><br>
       <input type="button" value="WebCamStart" onclick="getVideoStream();" id="btnPlay">
       <input type="button" value="Capture" onclick="getCapture();" id="btnCapture">
  2. Enable rendering of the retrieved media stream by calling the webkitGetUserMedia() method:

       function getVideoStream() 
          navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({video: true}, SuccessCallBack, ErrorCallBack);
       function SuccessCallBack(stream) 
          var URL = window.webkitURL;
          document.getElementById("videoView").src = URL.createObjectURL(stream);
          localStream = stream;
       function ErrorCallBack(e) 
          /* Error handling */
  3. Display the captured frame in a video element using the drawImage() method:

       var localStream = "";    
       function getCapture() 
          if (localStream) 
             var canvas = document.getElementById("canvasView");
             var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
             context.drawImage(document.getElementById("videoView"), 0, 0, 300, 225);
             document.getElementById("imgView").src = canvas.toDataURL('image/web');

Source Code

For the complete source code related to this use case, see the following file:

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