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CSS Text Module Level 3: Manipulating Text

This tutorial demonstrates how you can manipulate and transform text.


Become familiar with the CSS Text Module Level 3 API basics by learning about:

Manipulating Text

To enhance the user experience of your application, you must learn to handle line breaking, justification, alignment, white space handling, and text transformations using CSS text properties:

  1. Define the text-transform property within a <style> element in the <head> section of the Web page to control the text capitalization:
          p:nth-child(1) {text-transform: none;}
          p:nth-child(2) {text-transform: capitalize;}
          p:nth-child(3) {text-transform: uppercase;}
          p:nth-child(4) {text-transform: lowercase;}
          p:nth-child(5) {text-transform: full-width;}
       <p>The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.</p>
       <p>The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.</p>
       <p>The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.</p>
       <p>The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.</p>
       <p>The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.</p>
  2. Define the text-align property, which controls the text alignment:
          p:nth-child(1) {text-align: start;}
          p:nth-child(2) {text-align: end;}
          p:nth-child(3) {text-align: left;}
          p:nth-child(4) {text-align: right;}
          p:nth-child(5) {text-align: center;}
          p:nth-child(6) {text-align: justify;}
  3. Define the text-indent property, which controls the text indentation:
          p:nth-child(1) {text-indent: 0}
          p:nth-child(2) {text-indent: 1em}
          p:nth-child(3) {text-indent: -1em}
          p:nth-child(4) {text-indent: 5%}
          p:nth-child(5) {text-indent: -5%}
  4. Define the letter-spacing property, which controls the letter spacing:
          p:nth-child(1) {letter-spacing: .5em}
          p:nth-child(2) {letter-spacing: -.1em}
  5. Define the word-spacing property, which controls the space between words:
          p:nth-child(1) {word-spacing: 1em}
          p:nth-child(2) {word-spacing: -.1em}
  6. Define the word-break property, which determines the line breaking rules for non-CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) scripts:
          p:nth-child(1) {word-break: normal}
          p:nth-child(2) {word-break: keep-all}
          p:nth-child(3) {word-break: break-all}
  7. Define the white-space property, which determines the handling of empty space within an element:
          p:nth-child(1) {white-space: normal}
          p:nth-child(2) {white-space: pre}
          p:nth-child(3) {white-space: nowrap}
          p:nth-child(4) {white-space: pre-wrap}
          p:nth-child(5) {white-space: pre-line}
       <p>The quick brown fox jumps
       over a lazy dog.</p>
       <p>The quick brown fox jumps
       over a lazy dog.</p>
       <p>The quick brown fox jumps
       over a lazy dog.</p>
       <p>The quick brown fox jumps
       over a lazy dog.</p>
       <p>The quick brown fox jumps
       over a lazy dog.</p>
  8. Define the text-shadow property, which adds a shadow effect to text:
          p:nth-child(1) {text-shadow: 0.1em 0.1em 0.2em rgba(0, 0, 0, .7)}
          p:nth-child(2) {text-shadow: -0.2em 0.2em 0.2em #000, 0.2em -0.2em 0.2em #f00}
          p:nth-child(3) {color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 0 .7em #000;}
          p:nth-child(4) {color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 0 1px #f00;}
  9. Define the word-wrap and overflow-wrap properties, which control forced line breaks when the length of a word is longer than the area where it is displayed:
          p:nth-child(1) {word-wrap: normal}
          p:nth-child(2) {word-wrap: break-word}
          p:nth-child(3) {overflow-wrap: normal}
          p:nth-child(4) {overflow-wrap: break-word}
       <p>The quick brown foxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx jumps over a lazy dog.</p>
       <p>The quick brown foxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx jumps over a lazy dog.</p>
       <p>The quick brown foxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx jumps over a lazy dog.</p>
       <p>The quick brown foxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx jumps over a lazy dog.</p>

The following figure shows examples of manipulating the text properties.

Figure: Text properties (in mobile applications only)

Text properties (in mobile applications only)

For a complete list of CSS Text Module Level 3 text properties (in mobile or wearable applications) and their possible values, see the Property index.
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