Wi-Fi Direct: Managing Wi-Fi Direct™
This tutorial demonstrates how you can manage Wi-Fi Direct™ connections.
This feature is supported in mobile applications only.
Become familiar with the Wi-Fi Direct API basics by learning about:
Initializing Wi-Fi Direct™
Initialize Wi-Fi Direct™ for using all Wi-Fi Direct™ functions.
Activating Wi-Fi Direct™
Activate the Wi-Fi Direct™ local device asynchronously.
- Peers and groups
Getting the Wi-Fi Direct™ Peer Device Information
Obtain the Wi-Fi Direct™ peer device information.
Connecting to a Specific Wi-Fi Direct™ Peer Device
Connect to a specific Wi-Fi Direct™ peer device.
Managing Wi-Fi Direct™ Groups
Create a Wi-Fi Direct™ group, and manage group members and information.
Getting the Wi-Fi Direct™ Peer Device Information
Deactivating Wi-Fi Direct™
Deactivate the Wi-Fi Direct™ local device asynchronously.
Initializing Wi-Fi Direct™
To be able to use all Wi-Fi Direct™ functions, initialize Wi-Fi Direct™:
To use the functions and data types of the Wi-Fi Direct API, include the <wifi_direct.h> header file in your application:
#include <wifi_direct.h>
- Call the wifi_direct_initialize() function:
int error_code; error_code = wifi_direct_initialize();
When Wi-Fi Direct™ is no longer needed (or application is exiting), release it:
To get the Wi-Fi Direct™ activation and deactivation events, set up the wifi_direct_device_state_changed_cb() callback:
int error_code; void device_state_changed_cb(wifi_direct_error_e error_code, wifi_direct_device_state_e device_state, void *user_data); error_code = wifi_direct_set_device_state_changed_cb(device_state_changed_cb, NULL);
When this callback is no longer needed or the application is exiting, unset it:
To get the Wi-Fi Direct™ discovery events, set up the wifi_direct_discovery_state_changed_cb callback:
int error_code; void discovery_state_changed_cb(wifi_direct_error_e error_code, wifi_direct_discovery_state_e discovery_state, void *user_data); error_code = wifi_direct_set_discovery_state_changed_cb (discovery_state_changed_cb, NULL);
When this callback is no longer needed or the application is exiting, unset it:
To get Wi-Fi Direct™ connection events, set up the wifi_direct_connection_state_changed_cb callback:
int error_code; void connection_state_changed_cb(wifi_direct_error_e error_code, wifi_direct_connection_state_e connection_state, void *user_data); error_code = wifi_direct_set_connection_state_changed_cb(connection_state_changed_cb, NULL);
When this callback is no longer needed or the application is exiting, unset it:
Activating Wi-Fi Direct™
To activate and deactivate a Wi-Fi Direct™ local device and to check the Wi-Fi Direct™ local device state:
- Activate a Wi-Fi Direct™ local device
Define the device_state_changed_cb() callback function. When a Wi-Fi Direct™ local device activates or deactivates, an information message is printed in the console (or you can show it to the user some other way).
static void device_state_changed_cb ((wifi_direct_error_e error_code, wifi_direct_discovery_state_e discovery_state, void *user_data) { if (device_state == WIFI_DIRECT_DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVATED) { printf("Activate Wi-Fi Direct™ device!\n"); // Handle the event } else if (device_state == WIFI_DIRECT_DEVICE_STATE_DEACTIVATED) { printf("Deactivate Wi-Fi Direct™ device!\n"); // Handle the event } }
Switch on the Wi-Fi Direct™ local device with the wifi_direct_activate() function. After the wifi_direct_activate() function is completed, the wifi_direct_device_state_changed_cb() callback is called, if you set it before.
error_code = wifi_activate(NULL);
- Check the Wi-Fi Direct™ state.
You can check the Wi-Fi Direct™ local device state using the wifi_direct_get_state() function:
wifi_direct_state_e state = WIFI_DIRECT_STATE_DEACTIVATED; wifi_direct_get_state(&state); printf("Wi-Fi Direct™ state: %d.\n", state);
Getting the Wi-Fi Direct™ Peer Device Information
To discover nearby Wi-Fi Direct™ peer devices, and after discovering, to print the results of the discovery, such as Wi-Fi Direct™ peer device information:
- Define a callback function for the discovery, to be called when the discovery state is changed.
In this tutorial, the example callback is discovery_state_changed_cb().
void discovery_state_changed_cb(wifi_direct_error_e error_code, wifi_direct_discovery_state_e discovery_state, void *user_data) { switch (discovery_state) { case WIFI_DIRECT_ONLY_LISTEN_STARTED: // Handle the event return "DISCOVERY_STATE: ONLY_LISTEN_STARTED"; case WIFI_DIRECT_DISCOVERY_STARTED: // Handle the event return "DISCOVERY_STATE: DISCOVERY_STARTED"; case WIFI_DIRECT_DISCOVERY_FOUND: // Handle the event return "DISCOVERY_STATE: DISCOVERY_FOUND"; case WIFI_DIRECT_DISCOVERY_FINISHED: // Handle the event return "DISCOVERY_STATE: DISCOVERY_FINISHED"; default: return "UNKNOWN_DISCOVERY_STATE"; } return "UNKNOWN_DISCOVERY_STATE"; }
- Start the discovery to scan nearby devices.
When the Wi-Fi Direct™ discovery state changes, the wifi_direct_discovery_state_changed_cb() function is called.
wifi_direct_start_discovery (false, 0);
- Show the search results.
Show the discovery result using the wifi_direct_discovered_peer_cb() callback, which is invoked by the wifi_direct_foreach_discovered_peers() function. In this tutorial, the Wi-Fi Direct™ peer device information is printed.
bool discovered_peer_cb(wifi_direct_discovered_peer_info_s *peer, void *user_data) { if (NULL != peer) { printf("\nDevice Name: %s", peer->device_name); printf("\nMac Address: %s", peer->mac_address); // Handle the event return 1; } else { return false; } } int rv = wifi_direct_foreach_discovered_peers(discovered_peer_cb, NULL);
You can also get other information, including the connection state, device type, Wi-Fi display information, and WPS type.
Connecting to a Specific Wi-Fi Direct™ Peer Device
To connect to a specific device:
- Define the callback function for the connection state.
The connection event received from the Wi-Fi Direct™ framework invokes the wifi_direct_connection_state_changed_cb() callback function. This example defines the connection_state_changed_cb() callback to handle all Wi-Fi Direct™ connection events.
static void connection_state_changed_cb(wifi_direct_error_e error_code, wifi_direct_connection_state_e connection_state, const char *mac_address, void *user_data) { printf("Connection state changed to: [%d] [%s]\n", connection_state, test_wfd_convert_connection_state_to_string(connection_state)); bool accept_connection = false; int rv = 0; switch (connection_state) { case WIFI_DIRECT_CONNECTION_WPS_REQ: { // Outgoing requests wifi_direct_wps_type_e wps_mode; wifi_direct_get_local_wps_type(&wps_mode); // Handle the event } break; case WIFI_DIRECT_CONNECTION_REQ: { // Incoming requests wifi_direct_wps_type_e wps_mode; wifi_direct_get_local_wps_type(&wps_mode); // Handle the event } break; case WIFI_DIRECT_INVITATION_REQ: { // Invitation request from peer // Handle the event } break; case WIFI_DIRECT_DISASSOCIATION_IND: case WIFI_DIRECT_DISCONNECTION_IND: printf("Peer : [%s] disconnected.\n" , mac_address); // Handle the event break; case WIFI_DIRECT_CONNECTION_IN_PROGRESS: printf("Connection in progress\n"); // Handle the event case WIFI_DIRECT_CONNECTION_RSP: { if (error_code == WIFI_DIRECT_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED) { printf(MAKE_RED"Time Out or connection failed"RESET_COLOR"\n"); // Handle the event } } break; case WIFI_DIRECT_GROUP_CREATED: // Handle the event break; case WIFI_DIRECT_GROUP_DESTROYED: // Handle the event break; case WIFI_DIRECT_DISCONNECTION_RSP: // Handle the event break; default: { printf("Unknown State Received\n"); } } }
- Connect with a Wi-Fi Direct™ peer device.
Check whether Wi-Fi Direct™ is activated using the wifi_direct_get_state() function, and then get the specific device address from the user. Call the wifi_direct_foreach_discovered_peers() function to get a specific device address as a result of the device discovering process.
char * mac_address = NULL; wifi_direct_state_e state; int error_code; wifi_direct_get_state(&state); if (state < WIFI_DIRECT_STATE_ACTIVATED) return -1; mac_address = calloc(1, 32*sizeof(char)); if (!mac_address) { printf("cannot allocate memory"); return -1; } printf("\nEnter Mac_address: "); if (scanf(" %s", mac_address) < 1) { free(mac_address); return -1; } if (strlen(mac_address) > 23) { printf("\nWrong Mac_address"); } error_code = wifi_direct_connect(mac_address); if (error_code != WIFI_DIRECT_ERROR_NONE) { printf("Fail to connect\n"); return -1; } printf("Connection step finished\n");
- Disconnect from a specific Wi-Fi Direct™ device:
char * mac_address = NULL; wifi_direct_state_e state; int error_code; wifi_direct_get_state(&state); if (state < WIFI_DIRECT_STATE_ACTIVATED) return -1; mac_address = calloc(1, 32*sizeof(char)); if (!mac_address) { printf("cannot allocate memory"); return -1; } printf("\nEnter Mac_address: "); if (scanf(" %s", mac_address) < 1) { free(mac_address); return -1; } if (strlen(mac_address) > 23) { printf("\nWrong Mac_address"); } error_code = wifi_direct_disconnect(mac_address); if (error_code != WIFI_DIRECT_ERROR_NONE) { printf("Fail to disconnect\n"); return -1; } printf("Disconnection step finished\n");
Managing Wi-Fi Direct™ Groups
To create an autonomous Wi-Fi Direct™ group without connection and to make your device an autonomous group owner:
- Create a Wi-Fi Direct™ group and become a group owner:
wifi_direct_state_e state; int error_code; wifi_direct_get_state(&state); if (state < WIFI_DIRECT_STATE_ACTIVATED || state > WIFI_DIRECT_STATE_DISCOVERING) { return -1; } error_code = wifi_direct_create_group(); if (error_code != WIFI_DIRECT_ERROR_NONE) { printf("Fail to create wifi direct group\n"); return -1; } printf("Connection step finished\n");
- Destroy all connections and the group:
wifi_direct_state_e state; int error_code; wifi_direct_get_state(&state); if (state < WIFI_DIRECT_STATE_CONNECTED) { return -1; } error_code = wifi_direct_destroy_group(); if (error_code != WIFI_DIRECT_ERROR_NONE) { printf("Fail to destroy wifi direct group\n"); return -1; } printf("Disconnection step finished\n");
- When Wi-Fi Direct™ connections or group is no longer needed, destroy all the Wi-Fi Direct™ connections and group.
Deactivating Wi-Fi Direct™
To power off the local device when Wi-Fi Direct™ is no longer needed (or the application is exiting), use the wifi_direct_deactivate() function: