WAV Player: Playing Waveform Audio Files
This tutorial demonstrates how you can play Waveform Audio File Format (WAV) files.
Become familiar with the WAV Player API basics by learning about:
Starting and Stopping the WAV Player
Start and stop playing a WAV file.
Starting and Stopping the WAV Player
To start and stop the WAV player:
To use the functions and data types of the WAV Player API (in mobile and wearable applications), include the <wav_player.h> header file in your application:
#include <stdio.h> #include <wav_player.h> #include <sound_manager.h>
- Start the WAV player.
Implement a callback function that is called when the WAV file is no longer being played.
Declare a variable which keeps the return value of the function. Invoke the wav_player_start() function to play the WAV file:
static void _playback_completed_cb(int id, void *user_data) { const char* path = (const char*)user_data; dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, "WAV Player", "Completed! [id:%d, path:%s]", id, path); } void main() { int wav_player_id; wav_player_error_e ret; const char* wav_path = "PATH OF YOUR WAV FILE"; ret = wav_player_start(wav_path, SOUND_TYPE_MEDIA, _playback_completed_cb, (void*)wav_path, &wav_player_id); }
To set the path of your WAV file, you may need to get the default path. For more information, see the Storage Tutorial.
- Stop the WAV player.
To stop the WAV player, use the wav_player_stop() function with the ID of a given WAV player as an argument:
void my_stop() { wav_player_error_e ret; ret = wav_player_stop(wav_player_id); }