Mobile native Wearable native

Media Codec: Encoding and Decoding Media Files

This tutorial demonstrates how you can encode and decode media files.


Become familiar with the Media Codec API basics by learning about:

Initializing Media Codecs

Before using the Media codec:

  1. To use the functions and data types of the Media Codec API (in mobile and wearable applications), include the <media_codec.h> header file in your application:

    #include <media_codec.h>
  2. Define a handle for the media codec and pass it to the mediacodec_create() function. The handle must be passed to all other Media Codec APIs.
    mediacodec_h *mediacodec;
    ret = mediacodec_create(&mediacodec);
  3. If the handle is created normally, set the codec and configuration using the mediacodec_set_codec() function.

    The enumerations mediacodec_codec_type_e (in mobile and wearable applications) and mediacodec_support_type_e (in mobile and wearable applications) define the media codec type and support type.

    ret = mediacodec_set_codec(mediacodec, (mediacodec_codec_type_e)codecid, flag); 
  4. Set the video decoder using the mediacodec_set_vdec_info() or mediacodec_set_venc_info() function.
    ret = mediacodec_set_vdec_info(mediacodec, width, height);
    // Or
    ret = mediacodec_set_venc_info(mediacodec, width, height, fps, target_bits);

Managing Media Codecs

The Media Codec usage follows a basic pattern:

  1. Create and configure the Media Codec handle.
  2. Loop until done:
    • If an input buffer is ready, read a chunk of input and copy it into the buffer.
    • If an output buffer is ready, copy the output from the buffer.
  3. Release the Media Codec handle.

To manage the codec process loop:

  1. If the prerequisites are set normally, prepare the media codec using the mediacodec_prepare() function.
    ret = mediacodec_prepare(mediacodec);
  2. Start the media codec using the mediacodec_process_input() and mediacodec_get_output() functions.
    media_packet_h in_buf = NULL;
    ret = mediacodec_process_input (mediacodec, in_buf, 0);
    media_packet_h output_buf = NULL;
    ret = mediacodec_get_output (mediacodec, &output_buf, 0);

Releasing Resources

To reset the codec and destroy the handle using the mediacodec_unprepare() and mediacodec_destroy() functions after you have finished work with the media codec:

ret = mediacodec_unprepare(mediacodec);

ret = mediacodec_destroy(mediacodec);

Afterwards, the media codec state is changed to MEDIACODEC_STATE_NONE.

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