Media Codec: Encoding and Decoding Media Files
This tutorial demonstrates how you can encode and decode media files.
Become familiar with the Media Codec API basics by learning about:
Initializing Media Codecs
Initialize the media codecs for use.
Managing Media Codecs
Prepare and start the codec.
Releasing Resources
Reset the codec and destroy the handle.
Initializing Media Codecs
Before using the Media codec:
To use the functions and data types of the Media Codec API (in mobile and wearable applications), include the <media_codec.h> header file in your application:
#include <media_codec.h>
- Define a handle for the media codec and pass it to the mediacodec_create() function. The handle must be passed to all other Media Codec APIs.
mediacodec_h *mediacodec; ret = mediacodec_create(&mediacodec);
- If the handle is created normally, set the codec and configuration using the mediacodec_set_codec() function.
The enumerations mediacodec_codec_type_e (in mobile and wearable applications) and mediacodec_support_type_e (in mobile and wearable applications) define the media codec type and support type.
ret = mediacodec_set_codec(mediacodec, (mediacodec_codec_type_e)codecid, flag);
- Set the video decoder using the mediacodec_set_vdec_info() or mediacodec_set_venc_info() function.
ret = mediacodec_set_vdec_info(mediacodec, width, height); // Or ret = mediacodec_set_venc_info(mediacodec, width, height, fps, target_bits);
Managing Media Codecs
The Media Codec usage follows a basic pattern:
- Create and configure the Media Codec handle.
- Loop until done:
- If an input buffer is ready, read a chunk of input and copy it into the buffer.
- If an output buffer is ready, copy the output from the buffer.
- Release the Media Codec handle.
To manage the codec process loop:
- If the prerequisites are set normally, prepare the media codec using the mediacodec_prepare() function.
ret = mediacodec_prepare(mediacodec);
- Start the media codec using the mediacodec_process_input() and mediacodec_get_output() functions.
media_packet_h in_buf = NULL; ret = mediacodec_process_input (mediacodec, in_buf, 0); media_packet_h output_buf = NULL; ret = mediacodec_get_output (mediacodec, &output_buf, 0);
Releasing Resources
To reset the codec and destroy the handle using the mediacodec_unprepare() and mediacodec_destroy() functions after you have finished work with the media codec:
ret = mediacodec_unprepare(mediacodec); ret = mediacodec_destroy(mediacodec);
Afterwards, the media codec state is changed to MEDIACODEC_STATE_NONE.