Download: Downloading Content from the Internet
This tutorial demonstrates how you can download content asynchronously from a given URL into the device storage.
This feature is supported in mobile applications only.
Become familiar with the Download API basics by learning about:
Downloading Content from a URL
Receive a download ID, configure a download URL and destination, and launch a download process.
Downloading Content from a URL
To download content:
To use the functions and data types of the Download API, include the <download.h> header file in your application:
#include <download.h>
- Create the download handle.
The downloading library needs no initialization prior to the API usage. To download content from the internet, the download ID must be assigned. The URL and destination have to be set before the downloading process can be started.
Before starting any downloading, assign the download ID with the download_create() function:
download_error_e error; int download_id; error = download_create(&download_id);
The download ID is used as the handle that is used to manage the download.
- Define and set download callbacks.
Data specified by the URL is downloaded asynchronously and each download-related event (start, pause, stop, finish, or progress update) is propagated to the application through a callback.
Register the progress callback with the download_set_progress_cb() function, and the state change callback with the download_set_state_changed_cb() function.
error = download_set_state_changed_cb(download_id, state_changed_cb, NULL); error = download_set_progress_cb(download_id, progress_cb, &content_size);
The state change callback is called every time the download state changes, and the progress callback is called every time the download progress changes.
- Set the download URL and other details.
Before the download can be started, it is necessary to set the URL source path for the download:
error = download_set_url(download_id, "";
You can also set the destination path and file name. If the values are not given, the default storage and an auto-generated file name are used.
char *data_path = app_get_data_path(); error = download_set_destination(download_id, data_path); free(data_path); error = download_set_file_name(download_id, "downloaded_file.bin");
- Set the download options:
- Auto download
To set an automatic download, call the download_set_auto_download() function passing the download handle and setting the second parameter to true.
This operation changes the download manager state so that it continues downloading even after the client process is terminated. Set the notification download option when using this feature, to allow the user to receive the download result when the client process is not alive.
error = download_set_auto_download(download_id, true);
- Network type
To set the desired network type, use the download_set_network_type() function. The download_network_type_e enumeration defines the network types available for downloading. The default value is DOWNLOAD_NETWORK_ALL, if the client does not set any values.
download_network_type_e value = 0; error_code = download_set_network_type (download_id, DOWNLOAD_NETWORK_ALL); error_code = download_get_network_type (download_id, &value);
- Notifications
To set notifications with a service action, use the download_set_notification_type() function. The download_notification_type_e enumeration defines the available download network types. The default value is DOWNLOAD_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NONE, if the client does not set any values.
If the client wants to change the title or description of the notification item, use the download_set_notification_title() or download_set_notification_description() function. If the client wants to change the action when the notification item is clicked, use the download_set_notification_service_handle() function. If the service action is not set, the default operation is the following:
- When clicking a completed notification message, the proper application for playing the downloaded content is launched. If there is no proper application, an error message is shown at the status tray.
- When clicking a failed notification message, the client application requesting the download is launched.
app_control_h app_control = NULL; error = app_control_create(&app_control); error = app_control_set_app_id(app_control, "org.tizen.tutorialdownload"); error = download_set_notification_app_control(download_id, DOWNLOAD_NOTIFICATION_APP_CONTROL_TYPE_FAILED, app_control); download_notification_type_e noti_type = 0; char *title = NULL, *desc = NULL; error = download_get_notification_type(download_id, ¬i_type); error = download_get_notification_title(download_id, &title); error = download_get_notification_description(download_id, &desc); error = download_get_notification_app_control(download_id, DOWNLOAD_NOTIFICATION_APP_CONTROL_TYPE_FAILED, &app_control); error = app_control_destroy(app_control);
- Auto download
- Control the download process.
Downloading can be started, paused, or canceled using the download_start(), download_pause(), or download_cancel() function. The download ID handle is used as a parameter for all these functions.
error = download_start(download_id); error = download_pause(download_id); error = download_start(download_id); error = download_cancel(download_id);
To pause a download, it must be in the DOWNLOAD_STATE_DOWNLOADING state. After pausing, the download state changes to DOWNLOAD_STATE_PAUSED. After the download is stopped, the download state changes to DOWNLOAD_STATE_CANCELED.
- Monitor the download progress.
Use the progress callback to monitor the download progress. The following example prints the number of bytes received and the total size of the file being downloaded. Since you do not know the file size at the beginning, use 0.
- Create the download:
unsigned long long content_size = 0; error = download_create(&download_id);
- Register the progress callback and start the download:
error = download_set_progress_cb(download_id, progress_cb, &content_size); error = download_start(download_id);
- When the file is being downloaded, get the total content size:
download_state_e state = 0; content_size = 0; error = download_get_state(download_id, &state); if (state == DOWNLOAD_STATE_DOWNLOADING) { error = download_get_content_size(download_id, &content_size); }
- The received parameter of the progress_cb() callback function contains the size of the data received in bytes. In this example, print out the value and the total download size.
static void progress_cb(int download_id, unsigned long long received, void *user_data) { dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "received: %llu of %llu", received, *((unsigned long long*)user_data)); }
- Create the download:
- Get error information.
To get the error information, use the download_get_error() function:
download_error_e error_val = 0; error = download_get_error(download_id, &error_val);
The download_error_e enumeration defines the available error types.
- Clean up.
If the registered download is not needed anymore (the downloading is finished or has been canceled), delete it using the download_destroy() function. In addition, unset all callback functions.
download_unset_progress_cb(download_id); download_unset_state_changed_cb(download_id); error = download_destroy(download_id);