Mobile native Wearable native

Badge: Displaying the Notification (Badge) Count on the Home Screen

This tutorial demonstrates how you can create, manage, and remove a badge for an application. A badge is an image displayed on the application icon, which informs the user about notifications and events.


Become familiar with the Badge API basics by learning about:

Initializing the Badge Functionality

To initialize badges:

  1. To use the functions and data types of the Badge API (in mobile and wearable applications), include the <badge.h> header file in your application:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <badge.h>
  2. The badge functionality requires the privilege.
  3. Declare the variables for the return value and application (package name):
    static int ret = 0;
    #define TEST_PKG "org.tizen.badgeapp"

    To determine if a Badge API function has been correctly executed, check its return value. If the value is different from BADGE_ERROR_NONE, an error has occurred.

Creating a Badge

To create a badge for an application, call the badge_new() function:

badge_new(const char *writable_app_id)

The application calling the badge_new() function has the ownership of the badge. And the writable_app_id parameter means the application which is to be authorized to change the badge.

ret = badge_new(TEST_PKG);
if (ret != BADGE_ERROR_NONE)
   // Error handling

Managing the Badge

To manage the badge:

  1. Get the count attribute:

    The count attribute is displayed in the right corner of the badge and its value must be an integer.

    To get the count attribute, call the badge_get_count() function:

    badge_get_count(const char *app_id, unsigned int *count)

    The function takes the following parameters:

    • [in] app_id: The name of the application that gets the count of the badge.
    • [out] count: The value of the count attribute.
    unsigned int count = 0;
    ret = badge_get_count(TEST_PKG, &count);
    if (ret != BADGE_ERROR_NONE)
       // Error handling
  2. Set the count attribute:

    To set the count attribute, call the badge_set_count() function:

    badge_set_count(const char *app_id, unsigned int count)

    The function takes the following parameters:

    • [in] app_id: The name of the application that sets the count of the badge.
    • [in] count: The new value for the count attribute.
    ret = badge_set_count(TEST_PKG, count+1);
    if (ret != BADGE_ERROR_NONE)
       // Error handling
  3. Getting the display attribute:

    You can check whether the badge is visible by getting its display attribute.

    The app_id parameter refers to the application which is the owner of the badge.

    To get the display attribute, call the badge_get_display() function:

    badge_get_display(const char *app_id, unsigned int *is_display)

    The function takes the following parameters:

    • [in] app_id: The name of the application that gets the display flag of the badge.
    • [out] is_display: The value of the display attribute (1 = badge is visible, 0 = badge is hidden).
    unsigned int is_displayed = false;
    ret = badge_get_display(TEST_PKG, &is_displayed);
    if (ret != BADGE_ERROR_NONE)
       // Error handling
  4. Setting the display attribute:

    You can display or hide the badge by setting its display attribute accordingly.

    To set the display attribute, call the badge_set_display() function:

    badge_set_display(const char *app_id, unsigned int is_display)

    The function takes the following parameters:

    • [in] app_id: The name of the application that gets the display flag of the badge.
    • [in] is_display: The new value for the display attribute (1 = badge is visible, 0 = badge is hidden).
    ret = badge_set_display(TEST_PKG, 1);
    if (ret != BADGE_ERROR_NONE)
       // Error handling

Removing the Badge

To remove the badge from the application, call the badge_remove() function:

badge_remove(const char *app_id)

The function takes the following parameters:

  • [in] app_id: The ID of the application whose badge to remove.
ret = badge_remove(TEST_PKG);
if (ret != BADGE_ERROR_NONE)
   // Error handling
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