Mobile native

[UI Sample] StringShare Sample Overview

The StringShare sample demonstrates how to store a string and use it in multiple places throughout a program.

The following log shows the result of the StringShare sample.

D/stringshare( 2975): The Cylons were created by man.
D/stringshare( 2975): length : 31
D/stringshare( 2975): 12 Cylon models. 7 are known. 4 live in secret. 1 will be revealed.
D/stringshare( 2975): There are many copies. And they have a plan


The following code snippet demonstrates how to make a part of a string shared.

const char *str1, *str2;
const char *prologe1 = "The Cylons were created by man. They rebelled. They evolved.";

str1 = eina_stringshare_add_length(prologe1, 31);

The following code snippet demonstrates many ways of creating shared strings including an equivalent to sprint.

const char *prologe2 = "%d Cylon models. %d are known. %d live in secret. %d will be revealed.";
str1 = eina_stringshare_printf(prologe2, 12, 7, 4, 1);

const char *prologe3 = "There are many copies. And they have a plan";
str1 = eina_stringshare_nprintf(45, "%s", prologe3);

str2 = eina_stringshare_add(prologe3);
dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "%s", str2);

The following code snippet demonstrates how to delete and increase the stringshare.


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