[UI Sample] Proxy Object Sample Overview
The Proxy Object sample demonstrates how to make a proxy object for an Evas object.
The following figure illustrates the main screen of Proxy Object.
Figure: Proxy Object screen
The following code snippet shows the struct for dealing with proxy objects.
struct anim_data { Evas_Object *btn; Evas_Object *img1; Evas_Object *img2; };
The following code snippet demonstrates how to create proxy objects. The evas_object_image_source_set() function creates a proxy object for an Evas_Object. The evas_object_image_source_visible_set() function sets the proxy object to be visible.
void proxy_exam(Evas_Object *win) { static struct anim_data ad; ad.btn = elm_button_add(win); elm_object_text_set(ad.btn, "Proxy Object"); evas_object_move(ad.btn, 100, 100); evas_object_resize(ad.btn, 200, 200); evas_object_show(ad.btn); Evas *evas = evas_object_evas_get(win); ad.img1 = evas_object_image_filled_add(evas); evas_object_image_source_set(ad.img1, ad.btn); evas_object_image_source_visible_set(ad.img1, EINA_FALSE); evas_object_move(ad.img1, 100, 100); evas_object_resize(ad.img1, 200, 200); evas_object_show(ad.img1); ad.img2 = evas_object_image_filled_add(evas); evas_object_image_source_set(ad.img2, ad.btn); evas_object_move(ad.img2, 100, 300); evas_object_resize(ad.img2, 200, 200); evas_object_show(ad.img2); }