Mobile native

[UI Sample] EDC Map Sample Overview

The EDC Map sample demonstrates how to implement 3D effects using the EDC map. Its functionalities are the same with the Evas_Map object.

The following figure illustrates the main screen of the EDC Map.

Figure: EDC Map screen

EDC Map screen


A part of the EDC file must have a map as an effect in the description. In the map of an effect:

  • on enables mapping for the part
  • rotation.z sets the rotation around the z axis of the part considering the center set in degrees
  • perspective_on enables the perspective effect
  • perspective adds a focal and plane perspective to the part
  • backface_cull enables backface culling
      name: "main";
            name: "perps_point";
            type: RECT;
               state: "default" 0.0;
               rel1 { relative: 0.6 0.1; }
               rel2 { relative: 0.9 0.4; }
               visible: 0;
            name: "rect";
            type: RECT;
               state: "default" 0.0;
               rel1 { relative: 0.25 0.25; }
               rel2 { relative: 0.75 0.75; }
               color: 0 136 170 255;
                  on: 1;
                  rotation.z: 45;
                  perspective_on: 1;
                  perspective: "perps_point";
                  backface_cull: 1;
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