[UI Sample] Box Sample Overview
The Box sample demonstrates how to display a number of rectangles using the EFL smart object - box component. The box component is a convenient smart object that packs the children inside the box in a sequence. Evas has pre-made functions to define the box size and the alignment inside its cell space.
The following figure illustrates the box component sample screen.
Figure: Box screen
The create_base_gui() function creates a window, retrieves the Evas canvas, and adds the box and rectangle objects to the retrieved canvas. The rectangle object is appended to the box object that works as a container component.
static void create_base_gui(appdata_s *ad) { // Window ad->win = elm_win_util_standard_add(PACKAGE, PACKAGE); elm_win_autodel_set(ad->win, EINA_TRUE); evas_object_smart_callback_add(ad->win, "delete,request", win_delete_request_cb, NULL); eext_object_event_callback_add(ad->win, EEXT_CALLBACK_BACK, win_back_cb, ad); Evas *e = evas_object_evas_get(ad->win); Evas_Object *box, *rect; int i; box = evas_object_box_add(e); // Add a new box object on the provided canvas evas_object_show(box); for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { rect = evas_object_rectangle_add(e); evas_object_size_hint_min_set(rect, 50, 50); evas_object_color_set(rect, rand() % 256, rand() % 256, rand() % 256, 255); evas_object_show(rect); evas_object_box_append(box, rect); // Append a new child object to the given box object } // Show the window after the base GUI is set up evas_object_show(ad->win); }