Mobile native

SensorApp Sample Overview

The SensorApp sample application demonstrates how you can retrieve data from various Tizen sensor types, such as acceleration, device orientation, and gravity sensors, using the Tizen Sensor API.

The following figures illustrate the main screens of the SensorApp.

Figure: SensorApp main screens

Sensor List view Sensor Data view with a vector chart Sensor Data view with pie charts

Source Files

Table: Source Files
File name Description



Provides an entry point to SensorApp. Creates and launches the application instance.


Manages the application life-cycle. Creates the application main window, naviframe, and sensor list view.



Provides convenient macros for writing log messages.


Provides convenient macros for colors stored in integer.



Defines data types describing various sensors.


Defines the sensor list provided by SensorApp.


Defines the magnetic sensor strength calculation algorithm.



Provides the application main window with a background and conformant.


Provides the sensor list view.


Provides the sensor data view for displaying data retrieved from sensors and their graphical representation.


Defines basic chart drawing functionality.


Defines data chart private members for use in vector and angle charts.


Draws a vector chart for representing vector values using arrows (for X and Y and a circle (for Z).


Draws pie charts for representing angle values.


To implement the SensorApp:

  1. Include the Sensor API:
    #include <sensor.h>
  2. Retrieve the sensor handle and hardware information.

    The sensor_list_init() function in the sensor-list.c file retrieves the sensor handle and hardware information and stores them in the sensor_info array. The retrieved information, such as sensor range and resolution, is later used to display the sensor data properly.

    void sensor_list_init()
       sensor_info *info = sensors;
       sensor_info *end = info + sensor_count;
       for (; info != end; ++info)
          float resolution = 1.0;
          // Retrieve sensor handle using sensor type
          sensor_get_default_sensor(info->type, &info->sensor);
          // Retrieve sensor minimal and maximal values
          sensor_get_min_range(info->sensor, &info->value_min);
          sensor_get_max_range(info->sensor, &info->value_max);
          // Retrieve sensor resolution
          sensor_get_resolution(info->sensor, &resolution);

    The <sensor-info.h> header file defines a structure for storing information about the sensor that is used to display the sensor list and sensor data.

    struct _sensor_info
       sensor_h sensor; // Sensor handle
       sensor_type_e type; // Sensor type
       sensor_unit_e units; // Value measurement units
       const char *name; // Sensor display name
       const char **value_names; // Value names array of value_count size
       int value_count; // Values count
       float value_min; // Minimal value
       float value_max; // Maximal value

    The sensor-list.c file defines the sensor list array for storing information about each sensor.

    static sensor_info sensors[] =
          .type = SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER,
          .name = "Acceleration",
          .value_names = axes,
          .value_count = 3,
          .axes = { -1, 1, 1 }
  3. Check sensor availability.

    The sensor-list-view.c file creates and fills elm_list using the sensor list provided by the sensor-list.c file. While filling the sensor list, the _list_view_fill() function checks whether each sensor in the list is available on the device using the sensor_is_supported() function.

    static void _list_view_fill(list_view *view)
       unsigned count = 0;
       const sensor_info *item = sensor_list_get(&count);
       const sensor_info *end = item + count;
       RETM_IF(!item, "item is NULL");
       for (; item != end; ++item)
          bool is_supported = false;
          // Check whether sensor is supported by device
          sensor_is_supported(item->type, &is_supported);
          if (is_supported)
             elm_list_item_append(view->list, item->name, NULL, NULL, _list_view_sel_cb, item);

    When a sensor is selected, the _list_view_sel_cb() function navigates to the sensor data view passing the selected sensor information.

    static void _list_view_sel_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
       sensor_info *item = data;
       sensor_data_view_create(view->navi, item);
  4. Receive sensor data.

    To start receiving sensor data, the _data_view_sensor_start() function registers a sensor listener, sets the sensor event callback, and starts the sensor.

    static void _data_view_sensor_start(data_view *view)
       sensor_error_e err = SENSOR_ERROR_NONE;
       err = sensor_create_listener(view->sensor_info->sensor, &view->sensor_listener);
       RETM_IF(err != SENSOR_ERROR_NONE, "sensor_create_listener() failed(%d)", err);
       sensor_listener_set_event_cb(view->sensor_listener, SENSOR_INTERVAL, _data_view_sensor_cb, view);

    When the _data_view_sensor_cb() sensor event callback is called, the _data_view_value_items_update() function displays the received sensor data in genlist items and updates the chart, if necessary.

    static void _data_view_sensor_cb(sensor_h sensor, sensor_event_s *sensor_data, void *user_data)
       data_view *view = user_data;
       _data_view_value_items_update(view, sensor_data->values);
       _data_view_extra_items_update(view, sensor_data->values);
    static void _data_view_value_items_update(data_view *view, float *values)
       bool update_chart = false;
       // Update genlist items with values received from the sensor
       for (; item != end; ++item, ++value)
          if (item->value != *value)
             // Chart MUST be updated if any value has changed
             update_chart = true;
             item->value = *value;
             // Update genlist item part that displays value
             elm_genlist_item_fields_update(item->obj_item, PART_VALUE, ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_FIELD_TEXT);
       // Update chart if necessary
       if (view->chart && update_chart)
          sensor_data_chart_update(view->chart, view->sensor_info->value_range,
             view->sensor_info->axes, values, data_view_item_colors,
  5. Stop the sensor.

    To stop receiving sensor data when the sensor data view is destroyed, the _data_view_destroy_cb() function calls the sensor_listener_stop() function and then destroys the listener using the sensor_destroy_listener() function.

    static void _data_view_destroy_cb(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
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