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JavaScript and CSS Minification

File minification improves application performance as unnecessary data is being removed. For example, page loading time can be decreased by reducing the number of JavaScript and CSS files.

Minifying tools, such as Closure Compiler and Grunt, include features that can combine and reduce JavaScript file. The following table shows Closure Compiler and Grunt features in comparison.

Table: Comparison of minifying tools
Item Closure Compiler Grunt

JavaScript-optimized compiler created by Google

Task-based automatic JavaScript build tool

  • File compilation, minimizing size
  • Can be integrated with Ant Builder for automatic features
  • File compilation plug-in
  • Minimizing JavaScript and CSS
  • Various plug-ins (JavaScript, CSS compilation, and compression)
  • Application performance improvement based on the decrease of request count, transferred data, and transfer time
  • Java applications

    Provided as a .jar file, used as a command line.

  • Web application
  • RESTful API
  • Node.js installation
  • grunt-cli installation
  • package.json must be inserted to the project root
  • Task definition in the gruntfile.js file

Grunt has advantages in terms of expandability by providing various plug-ins. For more information about Grunt, see:

Installing and Using Grunt

The Grunt tool provides application performance improvement based on the decrease of request count, transferred data, and transfer time.


The commands used for installing and using Grunt work in the same manner, without any changes, across most of the major operating systems. To run the commands, you may need to use sudo (for Linux and BSD), or run your command shell as Administrator (for Windows®).

Installing Grunt

  1. Install the Node.js platform. The platform includes the Node.js package manager, npm, which is used to install Grunt CLI (command line interface).
  2. Install Grunt CLI:
    npm install -g grunt-cli /* -g: global type */

Using Grunt

  1. Change to the root directory of the project:
    cd <Project root>
  2. Install Grunt and create the Gruntfile.js file:
    npm install grunt --save-dev
  3. Create the package.json file:

    When executing the following command, interactive prompt that receives information on the project is executed. Through the information entered, the package.json file is created.

    npm init
  4. Install Grunt plug-in:
    /* Install grunt concat */
    npm install grunt-contrib-concat --save-dev
    /* Install grunt contrib uglify */
    npm install grunt-contrib-uglify --save-dev
    /* Install grunt contrib cssmin */
    npm install grunt-contrib-cssmin --save-dev
  5. Run the Grunt plug-in:

    Using the Gruntfile.js file, tasks, such as concat, uglify, and cssmin, are registered.

Improvement through Grunt

After running the Grunt plug-in, the below comparison result is shown through Chrome inspector. The expected results vary depending on the application, but since the improvement effects are certain, it is recommended to use Grunt.

For the sake of comparing improvement, in the following examples, 2 Web applications have been arbitrarily chosen and named App#1 and App#2.
Table: Result for App #01
Item Request (count) Transferred data (mb) Onload time (s)
Result Improvement Result Improvement Result Improvement
Original 254 - 6.66 - 3.28 -
Minification applied (accumulated result) #01_grunt_concat 68 -186 6.62 -0.04 2.43 -0.85
#02_grunt_uglify 68 - 1.90 -4.72 1.59 -0.85
#03_grunt_cssmin 68 - 1.87 -0.03 1.61 0.02
Total improvement 73.23% improvement 71.92% improvement 51.07% improvement
Table: Result for App #02
Item Request (count) Transferred data (mb) Onload time (s)
Result Improvement Result Improvement Result Improvement
Original 235 - 7.89 - 5.80 -
Minification applied (accumulated result) #01_grunt_concat 106 -129 7.87 -0.02 5.15 -0.65
#02_grunt_uglify 106 - 5.85 -2.02 4.95 -0.19
#03_grunt_cssmin 106 - 5.84 -0.01 4.89 -0.06
Total improvement 54.89% improvement 25.98% improvement 15.63% improvement
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