Mobile Web Wearable Web

Secure Element

Tizen enables you to access secure elements in a device. You can access various secure elements, such as UICC and SIM cards, embedded secure elements, and secure SD cards.

The Secure Element API is optional for both Tizen mobile and wearable profiles, which means that it may not be supported in all mobile and wearable devices. The Secure Element API is not supported on any Tizen Emulators.

The main features of the Secure Element API include:

  • Managing secure elements

    You manage secure elements by retrieving all the available secure element readers and receiving notifications of reader changes using the SEService interface (in mobile and wearable applications). You can also shut down secure elements.

  • Opening and closing sessions and channels

    You can open a session to connect to a secure element reader. Within a session, you can open basic or logical channels. When the channel or session is no longer needed, you can close them.

  • Transmitting APDUs to the applet

    You can transmit application protocol data units (APDU) to a secure element using a channel.

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