Wearable native

Circle Datetime

This feature is supported in wearable applications only.

The circle datetime extends elm_datetime by visualizing the selected field. If a rotary event is activated by eext_rotary_object_event_activated_set(), a circle datetime increases or decreases value of selected field in elm_datetime by the clockwise or counter clockwise rotary event.

Figure: Circle Datetime

Circle Datetime

Creating a Circle Datetime

You can use the eext_circle_object_datetime_add() function to create a circle object. When creating a circle datetime, the elm_datetime handle must be passed as an argument. If a circle surface is passed as an argument, a circle object connected with a circle surface is created, and it is rendered by the circle surface. When NULL is passed as a surface argument, the new circle object is managed and rendered by itself.

Evas_Object *datetime;
Evas_Object *circle_datetime;

datetime = elm_datetime_add(parent);
circle_datetime = eext_circle_object_datetime_add(datetime, surface);

Activating a Rotary Event

You can activate and deactivate the circle datetime by using the eext_rotary_object_event_activated_set() function. If the second parameter is EINA_TRUE, the circle datetime can receive the rotary event. Otherwise, the circle datetime cannot receive the rotary event.

eext_rotary_object_event_activated_set(circle_datetime, EINA_TRUE);

Using the Circle Object Property

A circle datetime has the following styles:

  • default

When created, the circle datetime has default style automatically.

The circle datetime objects support the following circle object API calls:

  • eext_circle_object_line_width_set()
  • eext_circle_object_line_width_get()
  • eext_circle_object_radius_set()
  • eext_circle_object_radius_get()
  • eext_circle_object_color_set()
  • eext_circle_object_color_get()
  • eext_circle_object_disabled_set()
  • eext_circle_object_disabled_get()

A circle datetime has the following item:

  • default: Default circle item that draws a marker.

You can change the properties of the items by using the eext_circle_object_item* APIs.

For more information, see the Efl Extension Circle Datetime API.

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