Mobile native Wearable native


Device features provide functions to control attached devices. The following functionalities are supported:

  • Battery

    Get the current percentage, the charging state, and the current level state using the Battery API (in mobile and wearable applications).

  • Display

    Get the number of displays, the maximum brightness of the display, the current brightness, and the display state. You can also change the current brightness and the display state using the Display API (in mobile and wearable applications).

  • Haptic

    Get the number of haptic devices. You can also open or close the haptic handle, and request the vibration effects to play or stop using the Haptic API (in mobile and wearable applications).

  • LED

    Get the maximum and current brightness of the camera flash LED. You can also change the current brightness of the camera flash LED, and request the service LED to play or stop effects using the Led API (in mobile and wearable applications).

  • Power

    Request the power state to be locked or unlocked, and change the power state using the Power API (in mobile and wearable applications).

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