Mobile Wearable

Tizen Web Sites

The Tizen platform includes the following Web sites that you can use in the application development tasks:

  • Tizen main site (

    The official site of the Tizen project provides blogs and helpful articles for interests. You can create a Tizen account for other Tizen sites and get the latest news about the project and events.

  • Tizen developer site (

    The official site for Tizen developers provides the Tizen SDK and resources for making various applications. You can discuss technical issues with other developers in a forum and get helpful sample codes for developing applications.

  • Tizen source site (

    The official site for Tizen open source project provides the Tizen source code and information about building it. You can use git for tracking the source history and get the latest revision of the Tizen project.

  • Tizen issue-tracking site (

    You can participate in the Tizen project by registering bugs and suggestions. JIRA is used to track issues, and to participate, you need to create a Tizen account and:

  • Tizen wiki (

    The Tizen wiki is used for collaborating on the documentation related to the Tizen Project. Before contributing to the Tizen wiki, you must:

    • Read the Tizen community guidelines for contribution information and consequences associated with violating any of the guidelines.
    • Read the Wiki Editing and Style Guidelines document.
    • Consult the User's Guide if you are new to using MediaWiki
    • Visit the Tizen main site for more information about the project.
    • To edit the wiki, sign up for your Tizen account on the main site, and use the account to log into the wiki (and other Tizen services).
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