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Building Applications

In the Tizen IDE, different build configurations are available for different development steps:

  • The Debug build is used to debug and test the application.

    The binary, data, and debug files are stored in a Debug folder under the project in the workspace.

    This is the default build configuration.

    In the debug mode, the debug level is Maximum (-g3) and optimization level is None (-O0).

  • The Release build is used for the tested, release-ready version of the application.

    The compiled binary file is stored in a Release folder under the project in the workspace.

    In the release mode, the debug level is Default (-g) and optimization level is Optimize most (-O3).

    The release mode build itself does not strip the debug symbol. Stripping is done only in the packaging step for the ARM architecture.

    The Tizen IDE automatically switches application logging off in the release mode. To enable logging in the release mode:

    1. In the IDE menu, select Project > Properties.
    2. In the Properties window, go to C/C++Build > Settings > C Complier > Debugging.
    3. Select the Enable application logging check box.

To set the target architecture:

  1. In the IDE menu, select Project > Properties.
  2. In the Properties window, go to C/C++Build > Tizen Settings > Platform.
  3. From the Architecture drop-down list, select the appropriate architecture.

Building the Application in the IDE

To create an application project build:

  1. Select the build configuration:

    1. Right-click the project in the Tizen IDE Project Explorer view.

    2. Select Build Configurations > Set Active, and select the build configuration you need.

  2. Build the project:

    • Automatic build

      If you select Project > Build Automatically in the IDE menu, whenever you make any change to a source or resource and save the project, the IDE automatically recognizes the change and rebuilds the changed source on your project.

    • Manual build

      Build the application binaries for executing the code:

      1. Select the project in the Project Explorer view.

      2. In the IDE menu, select Project > Build Project.

  3. Check your application project source code for any API or privilege violations, which are displayed in the Problems view.

Build Properties

To build project, you can choose many options. For example, optimization level, debugging support, or include path and library link options.

To set the build properties:

  1. In the IDE menu, select Project > Properties.
  2. In the Properties window, go to C/C++ Build > Tizen Settings.

  3. On the Platform tab, set the detailed target and tool information.
    • Rootstrap Informations

      Shows the rootstrap-related information:

      • Platform

        Set the platform version.

      • Architecture

        Set the target architecture.

        To run the application on the x86 emulator, select X86.

      • Name

        Set the rootstrap name.

    • Toolchain Informations

      Shows the toolchain-related information:

      • Platform

        Set the compiler toolchain used to build the application.

  4. On the Framework tab, set the detailed customization of the Tizen framework:
    • Framework

      Search a framework by name filtering and select the frameworks.

    • Selected Framework

      Shows the all selected frameworks.

    • Description

      Shows the description of the selected framework.

  5. In the Properties window, go to C/C++ Build > Settings > Tool Settings.

    This tab includes a build toolchain on left tree view. A toolchain has 3 main items:

    • Compiler
    • Linker
    • Assembler

    Each tool is configured by selecting its sub-items.

    • C++ Compiler

      Shows the compiler binary name and summarizes compile options

      • Preprocessor

        Set the preprocessor option

      • Includes

        Set the include path or files

      • Optimization

        Set optimization options

      • Debugging

        Set debugging options


        The Enable Application logging option is enabled for the Debug build configuration. The option is disabled in the Release configuration.

      • Warnings

        Set warning options

      • Miscellaneous

        Set miscellaneous options

    • C Compiler

      Shows the compiler binary name and summarizes compile options

      • Preprocessor

        Set the preprocessor option

      • Symbols

        Define or undefine the symbols used in the compilation

      • Includes

        Set the include path or files

      • Optimization

        Set optimization options

      • Debugging

        Set debugging options

      • Warnings

        Set warning options

      • Miscellaneous

        Set miscellaneous options

    • C++ Linker

      Shows the linker binary name and summarizes link options

      • General

        Set general options

      • Libraries

        Set the library and library paths

      • Miscellaneous

        Set miscellaneous linker options

      • Shared Library Settings

        Set options for shared library linking

    • Assembler

      Shows the assembler binary name and summarizes assembling options

For more information about build configuration, see the CDT guide.

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