Mobile native Wearable native

Project Conversion

The Tizen SDK provides a method for building an IDE-created project using the CLI:

  1. Select a Tizen native project in the Project Explorer view of the IDE.
  2. Right-click the project and, in the context menu, click Export to CLI Project.

During the export, the make files in the Build folder and the project_def.prop file (with many build options) are added to the converted CLI project.

The following table describes the properties in the project_def.prop file.

Table: project_def.prop file properties
Key Value
APPNAME Application name, which must be written in lowercase letters.

For example: APPNAME = test

type Application type, which can be app, sharedLib, or staticLib.

For example: type = app

profile Profile with version.

For example: profile = mobile-2.3

USER_SRCS List of .c and .cpp source files in the current project.

The list can be used with wildcard characters, such as *.

If there are more than 2 files, a white-space character separator is used.

For example: USER_SRCS = src/*.c

USER_DEFS List of user-defined C files added to the compilation process.

The list must be used without the -D characters for the C compiler.

For example: USER_DEFS = ABC DEF

USER_UNDEFS List of user-defined C files excluded from the compilation process.

The list must be used without the -U characters for the C compiler.

USER_CPP_DEFS List of user-defined C++ files added to the compilation process.

The list must be used without the -D characters for the C++ compiler.

USER_CPP_UNDEFS List of user-defined C++ files excluded from the compilation process.

The list must be used without the -U characters for the C++ compiler.

USER_LIBS List of library paths added to the linking process.

The list must be used without the -l characters.

USER_OBJS Path list of the .o files added to the linking process.
USER_OBJS_ABS Absolute path list of the .o files added to the linking process.

It is recommended to use $(workspace_loc) for IDE compatibility.

USER_INC_DIRS Path list of references for C compiling.

The list must be used without the -I characters.

For example: USER_INC_DIRS = inc

USER_INC_DIRS_ABS Absolute path list of references for C compiling.

The list must be used without the -I characters.

It is recommended to use $(workspace_loc) for IDE compatibility.

For example: USER_INC_DIRS_ABS = $(workspace_loc)/extlib/lib

USER_INC_FILES Path list of .h files for C.

The list must be used without the -include characters.

USER_INC_FILES_ABS Absolute path list of .h files for C.

The list must be used without the -include characters.

It is recommended to use $(workspace_loc) for IDE compatibility.

USER_CPP_INC_DIRS Path list of references for C++ compiling.

The list must be used without the -I characters.

USER_CPP_INC_DIRS_ABS Absolute path list of references for C++ compiling.

The list must be used without the -I characters.

It is recommended to use $(workspace_loc) for IDE compatibility.

USER_CPP_INC_FILES Path list of .h files for C++.

The list must be used without the -include characters.

USER_CPP_INC_FILES_ABS Absolute path list of .h files for C++.

The list must be used without the -include characters.

It is recommended to use $(workspace_loc) for IDE compatibility.

USER_LIB_DIRS Path list of references for the library linking.

The list must be used without the -L characters.

USER_LIB_DIRS_ABS Absolute path list of references for the library linking.

The list must be used without the -L characters.

It is recommended to use $(workspace_loc) for IDE compatibility.

USER_EDCS Path list of .edc files.

The list can be used with wildcard characters, such as *.

If there are more than 2 files, a white-space character separator is used.

For example: USER_EDCS = res/edje/*.edc

USER_EDCS_IMAGE_DIRS Path list of EDC references for compiling, such as the -id option of the IDE.
USER_EDCS_IMAGE_DIRS_ABS Absolute path list of EDC references for compiling, such as the -id option of the IDE.

It is recommended to use $(workspace_loc) for IDE compatibility.

USER_EDCS_SOUND_DIRS Path list of EDC references for compiling, such as the -sd option of the IDE.
USER_EDCS_SOUND_DIRS_ABS Absolute path list of EDC references for compiling, such as the -sd option of the IDE.

It is recommended to use $(workspace_loc) for IDE compatibility.

USER_EDCS_FONT_DIRS Path list of EDC references for compiling, such as the -fd option of the IDE.
USER_EDCS_FONT_DIRS_ABS Absolute path list of EDC references for compiling, such as the -fd option of the IDE.

It is recommended to use $(workspace_loc) for IDE compatibility.

USER_POS Path list of .po files.

The list can be used with wildcard characters, such as *.

If there are more than 2 files, a white-space character separator is used.

For example: USER_POS = res/po/*.po

To build a converted project, use the following CLI command:

$ tizen build-native -–arch x86 –-compiler llvm –-configuration Debug -- /home/workspace/basic
A converted CLI project cannot be reconverted back to an IDE-based project.
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