SVG rectangle with shadow
This snippet code shows how to make SVG object like rectangle with rounded corners and rotated text inside.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<svg height="140" width="140">
<filter id="filter1" x="0" y="0" width="200%" height="200%">
<feOffset result="offOut" in="SourceAlpha" dx="15" dy="15" />
<feGaussianBlur result="blurOut" in="offOut" stdDeviation="10" />
<feBlend in="SourceGraphic" in2="blurOut" mode="normal" />
<rect width="90" height="90" rx="25" ry="25" fill="blue" filter="url(#filter1)" />
<!-- In SVG we don't need to use -webkit- for transform -->
<text x="20" y="35" transform="rotate(30 20,40)" fill="gold">TIZEN</text>