Text effects in EFL

This code snippet shows how to use basic text effect in .edc file, including shadows, outlines and glow.
collections {
   group {
		name: "main";
			part {
				name: "text1";
	        	type: TEXT;
		        effect: SOFT_SHADOW BOTTOM;
		        description {
		      	    rel1.relative: 0.1 0.1;
       			    rel2.relative: 0.9 0.2;
			    	state: "default" 0.0;
			 		color: 255 255 255 255;
		   		    color3: 70 70 70 70;
    		   		text {
    		        	text: "sample text";
    		          	font: "Sans";
    		          	size: 35;
    		          	align: 0.5 0.0;
			part {
				name: "text2";
	        	type: TEXT;
    		    effect: FAR_SHADOW TOP_LEFT;
    		    description {
    		      	rel1.relative: 0.1 0.3;
           			rel2.relative: 0.9 0.4;
			    	state: "default" 0.0;
			 		color: 100 100 100 255;
    		   		color3: 0 100 0 255;
    		   		text {
    		        	text: "sample text";
    		          	font: "Sans";
    		          	size: 35;
    		          	align: 0.5 0.0;
			part {
				name: "text3";
	        	type: TEXT;
		        effect: GLOW;
		        description {
    		      	rel1.relative: 0.1 0.5;
           			rel2.relative: 0.9 0.6;
			    	state: "default" 0.0;
			 		color: 255 255 255 255;
    		   		color3: 0 0 200 255;
    		   		text {
    		        	text: "sample text";
    		          	font: "Sans";
    		          	size: 35;
    		          	align: 0.5 0.0;
			part {
				name: "text4";
	        	type: TEXT;
		        effect: OUTLINE;
		        description {
    		      	rel1.relative: 0.1 0.7;
           			rel2.relative: 0.9 0.8;
			    	state: "default" 0.0;
			 		color: 255 255 255 255;
    		   		color2: 200 0 0 255;
    		   		text {
    		        	text: "sample text";
    		          	font: "Sans";
    		          	size: 35;
    		          	align: 0.5 0.0;


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